In order to celebrate the creation of this technique, I modified my
ExtractBinaryFile subroutine to use the pure Batch method to write the binary file instead of the original JScript code. I like ExtractBinaryFile subroutine because you just take the hexadecimal representation of the binary file and insert it in the Batch file surrounded by a pair of delimiting lines, and it also compress groups of binary zeros.
I also wrote a new auxiliary program for this occasion; this program, called GetInput.exe, allows to get input from both keyboard and mouse and return it via errorlevel. A key press is returned as a positive value and a mouse click as a negative value that indicate the mouse cursor position in the screen using this formula: errorlevel = -(line<<16 + column). An interesting point of this program (besides the fact that it allows to use the mouse as input device in Batch files) is that it can detect
any keystroke, that is, besides all extended keys it also report keys that usually are not pressed alone, like Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Caps-Lock, etc. and even a Ctrl-C combination without cancel the Batch file; you may consult
Virtual-Key Codes for a complete description of the values returned this way. Just for a change, I included the assembly source code of this program below.
It is interesting to note that although a .cab compressed file is much lesser than the original file, in the particular case of small .exe files they contain many groups of binary zeros that are compressed/expanded by ExtractBinaryFile subroutine, so the makecab-compression/expand-expantion steps are a waste in this case. For example, GetInput.exe file is 1536 bytes long and is just 552, but GetInput.exe.hex is 1080 bytes and is 1069 bytes, about 1% lesser!
EDIT - 2014/01/31: I fixed a detail in GetInput.exe auxiliary program: it now cancel Quick Edit mode and preserve the original mode at exit; both the hexadecimal version and the source code at end include this change now.
EDIT - 2014/02/01: I modified GetInput.exe program to also report right-button mouse clicks and modified the Batch code in order to achieve a more precise identification of the key pressed.
EDIT - 2014/02/04: I modified GetInput.exe program to also report Alt-key and Shift-extended key combinations and to omit non-useful keys, like Shift-, Ctrl- or Alt- keys alone, or CapsLock. Full details in both Batch and assembler source code.
Code: Select all
@echo off
rem Example of GetInput.exe keyboard/mouse input auxiliary program
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
if not exist GetInput.exe call :ExtractBinaryFile
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set Ascii= !"#$%%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%a in ("7=Bell" "8=BackSpc" "9=Tab" "10=LineFeed" "13=Enter" "26=Sub" "27=Esc") do (
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%b in (%%a) do set "control[%%b]=(%%c)"
for %%a in ("33=PageUp" "34=PageDown" "35=End" "36=Home" "37=LeftArrow" "38=UpArrow" "39=RightArrow" "40=DownArrow"
"45=Ins" "46=Del"
"112=F1" "113=F2" "114=F3" "115=F4" "116=F5" "117=F6" "118=F7" "119=F8" "120=F9" "121=F10" "122=F11" "123=F12"
) do (
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%b in (%%a) do set "extended[%%b]=%%c"
echo To end, click in the "X": [X]
echo Press a key (ESC to end) or click a mouse button
set /A "input=%errorlevel%, ctrl=input+32, asc=input-32, alt=input-192, ext=input-256&0xFF"
if %input% gtr 0 (
rem Key pressed
set input= %input%
set input=!input:~-3!
if %input% lss 32 (
echo !input!: Ctrl-!Ascii:~%ctrl%,1! !control[%input%]!
) else if %input% lss 192 (
echo !input!: Ascii: !Ascii:~%asc%,1!
) else if %input% lss 256 (
echo !input!: Alt-!Ascii:~%alt%,1!
) else (
if %input% lss 512 (
set extnd= !extended[%ext%]!
) else (
set extnd= Shift-!extended[%ext%]!
echo !input!: !extnd:~-16!
) else ( rem %input% leq 0
rem Mouse button clicked
set /A "input=-input, row=input >> 16, col=input & 0xFFFF"
if !col! lss 32768 (
echo LEFT @ !row!,!col!
) else (
set /A col-=32768
echo @ !row!,!col! RIGHT
if %input% neq 27 goto nextInput
goto :EOF
rem Extract Binary File from hexadecimal digits placed in a "resource" in this .bat file
:ExtractBinaryFile filename.ext[.cab]
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
ECHO Creating %1, please wait...
set "start="
set "end="
for /F "tokens=1,3 delims=:=>" %%a in ('findstr /N /B "</*resource" "%~F0"') do (
if not defined start (
if "%%~b" equ "%~1" set start=%%a
) else if not defined end set end=%%a
(for /F "skip=%start% tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "%~F0"') do (
if "%%a" == "%end%" goto decodeHexFile
echo %%b
)) > "%~1.hex"
rem Modified code based on :genchr subroutine
type nul > t.tmp
(for /F "usebackq" %%a in ("%~1.hex") do (
set input=%%a
set i=0
for /L %%I in (0,2,120) do for %%i in (!i!) do if "!input:~%%i,1!" neq "" (
set hex=!input:~%%i,2!
set /A i+=2
if "!hex:~0,1!" neq "[" (
set /A chr=0x!hex!
if not exist !chr!.chr call :genchr !chr!
type !chr!.chr
) else (
for /L %%J in (1,1,5) do for %%i in (!i!) do if "!input:~%%i,1!" neq "]" (
set "hex=!hex!!input:~%%i,1!"
set /A i+=1
if not exist 0.chr call :genchr 0
for /L %%J in (1,1,!hex:~1!) do type 0.chr
set /A i+=1
)) > "%~1"
del *.chr
del t.tmp temp.tmp
del "%~1.hex"
rem Expand created file if extension is .cab
set "filename=%~1"
if /I "%filename:~-4%" equ ".cab" (
expand "%filename%" "%filename:~0,-4%" > NUL
del "%filename%"
exit /B
REM This code creates one single byte. Parameter: int
REM Teamwork of carlos, penpen, aGerman, dbenham
REM Tested under Win2000, XP, Win7, Win8
set "options=/d compress=off /d reserveperdatablocksize=26"
if %~1 neq 26 (
makecab %options% /d reserveperfoldersize=%~1 t.tmp %~1.chr > nul
type %~1.chr | ( (for /l %%N in (1,1,38) do pause)>nul & findstr "^" > temp.tmp )
>nul copy /y temp.tmp /a %~1.chr /b
) else (
copy /y nul + nul /a 26.chr /a >nul
exit /B
<resource id="">
This is GetInput.asm:
Code: Select all
; GetInput
; Get console input from both keyboard and mouse
; Antonio Perez Ayala - Version 1.0 - Jan/30/2014
; - Version 1.1 - Jan/31/2014 - Preserve console mode, disable quick edit
; - Version 1.2 - Feb/01/2014 - Get right button mouse clicks
; - Version 1.3 - Feb/04/2014 - Get Alt-keys and Shift-extended keys
include \masm32\include\
GetStdHandle PROTO
GetConsoleMode PROTO
SetConsoleMode PROTO ;
ReadConsoleInput PROTO ;
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE ;EAX = console input handle
mov hInput, eax ;store it
invoke GetConsoleMode, hInput, ADDR lpMode ;get current console mode
mov eax, lpMode ;EAX = current mode
or eax, ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT + ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS ;enable mouse events + value...
; ;- required to disable quick edit
and eax, NOT (ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE OR ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT) ;disable quick edit and Ctrl-C
invoke SetConsoleMode, hInput, eax ;change console mode
get_event: ;get the next input event
invoke ReadConsoleInput, hInput, ADDR lpBuffer, 1, ADDR lpEvents
cmp lpBuffer.EventType, KEY_EVENT ;is a key event?
jne SHORT check_mouse ;no: continue
cmp lpBuffer.KeyEvent.bKeyDown,FALSE;the key was pressed?
je SHORT get_event ;no: ignore key releases
movzx eax, lpBuffer.KeyEvent.AsciiChar;get the key Ascii code
or ax, ax ;is zero?
jz SHORT virtual_key ;yes: is extended key
test lpBuffer.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState,LEFT_ALT_PRESSED ;Alt- pressed?
jz SHORT end_main ;no: continue
cmp ax, 'z' ;is digit/letter?
jg SHORT end_main ;no: continue
add ax, 160 ;add 160 as Alt-key signature (Alt-A=225)
cmp ax, 256 ;was lowcase letter?
jl SHORT end_main ;no: continue
sub ax, 'a'-'A' ;else: convert to upcase
jmp SHORT end_main ;and return it
mov ax, lpBuffer.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode ;get Virtual Key Code
cmp ax, VK_PRIOR ;less than 1st useful block?
jl SHORT get_event ;yes: ignore it
cmp ax, VK_DOWN ;in 1st useful block?
jle SHORT @F ;yes continue
cmp ax, VK_INSERT ;less than 2nd useful block?
jl SHORT get_event ;yes: ignore it
cmp ax, VK_DELETE ;in 2nd useful block?
jle SHORT @F ;yes: continue
cmp ax, VK_F1 ;less than 3rd useful block?
jl SHORT get_event ;yes: ignore it
cmp ax, VK_F12 ;greater than 3rd useful block?
jg SHORT get_event ;yes: ignore it
add ax, 256 ;add 256 as extended-key signature
test lpBuffer.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState,SHIFT_PRESSED ;Shift- pressed?
jz SHORT end_main ;no: continue
add ax, 512 ;else: add 512 as Shift- signature
jmp SHORT end_main ;and return it
cmp lpBuffer.EventType, MOUSE_EVENT ;is a mouse event?
jne get_event ;no: ignore event
; ;left or right button pressed?
jz get_event ;no: ignore button releases
mov eax, lpBuffer.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition;get click position as row<<16 + col
test lpBuffer.MouseEvent.dwButtonState, FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED ;left button?
jnz SHORT neg_pos ;yes: continue
or ah, 80H ;else: add 32768 to col for right button
neg eax ;change result sign as Mouse signature
mov ebx, eax ;pass result value to EBX
invoke SetConsoleMode, hInput, lpMode ;recover original console mode
invoke ExitProcess, ebx ;and return result value
end Main