Swords of Morovaith 1.7 (Batch RPG)

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Swords of Morovaith 1.7 (Batch RPG)

#1 Post by Ranger77 » 10 Jul 2013 22:15

I haven't posted on this site in a while but the other site CRASHED and the site I have been using as a replacment haven't been getting me very much anything :/ I may have to end my batch Life. Hopefully it can be revived by the help of people :D The reason I make games is because I...like to, it's a fun project to spend a lot of time on :p


This is Version 1.7 of my game, it's a text based RPG with duels, skills, and special items. Also my game hit 100 Downloads so i'm giving away a free item (Dragon Hood) Until 7/13/13 so you can claim it on the main menu. I hope you enjoy it cause I have spent quite a lot of time.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/jhzea ... th_1.7.bat

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Joined: 30 Aug 2007 08:05
Location: Germany, Bochum

Re: Swords of Morovaith 1.7 (Batch RPG)

#2 Post by jeb » 11 Jul 2013 01:48

Hi Ranger77,

nice work :)

I have some suggestions:
You should use functions for code that you need to use more than once.
Like saving the data should be a function, like

Code: Select all

call :saveData

call :saveData

echo %ironbars%
echo %goldbars%
echo %greenbars%
echo %redbars%
echo %ll%
) > "%appdata%\Swords of Morovaith.dll"
exit /b

And also for progress bars like "spinning", "cooking", "loading" and so on

Code: Select all

call :progress "You construct a Castle" 3
call :progress "Cooking" 3

call :progress "Loading" 6

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "dots=."
for /L %%n in (1,1,%2) do (
 echo %~1!dots!
 set "dots=!dots!."
 timeout /nobreak /t 1 >nul
exit /b

This would save a lot of code and time for you.


Posts: 21
Joined: 27 May 2013 00:08

Re: Swords of Morovaith 1.7 (Batch RPG)

#3 Post by Ranger77 » 11 Jul 2013 11:46

Thanks :) I will try out the "Call savedata" but the "progress" one is kind of confusing :p

Posts: 21
Joined: 27 May 2013 00:08

Swords of Morovaith 1.7.2

#4 Post by Ranger77 » 13 Jul 2013 15:52

Hahaha, well I JUST found out you couldn't even get the dragon hood cause pressing "99" was to update the game xD

Version 1.7.2 is here with some BUG FIXES! :D

New Features:

- Dragon Hood Fix (If you tried to claim it, it would update the game) FIXED
- Alchemy bug fix (Wouldn't tell you what ingredients you had, only the number) FIXED
- Loading Screen Messages (Little messages on the loading screen)

Official Site: http://www.diversiongames.webs.com

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/harby6baw4knk8e/Swords_of_Morovaith_1.7.2.bat

Also, if you are interested on seeing how this all began, go to the official site and click on history, it's quite an adventure I had :p well...sort of :)

Posts: 4482
Joined: 23 Dec 2011 13:59

Re: Swords of Morovaith 1.7 (Batch RPG)

#5 Post by Squashman » 14 Jul 2013 09:39

Threads merged.

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