How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
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How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
Last edited by Cleptography on 09 Jun 2011 19:09, edited 1 time in total.
Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
How on earth are you going to do that, pm me if you succeed
How on earth are you going to do that, pm me if you succeed

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Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
Last edited by Cleptography on 09 Jun 2011 19:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
Here is some inspiration to get you started. The trick is to send the Macroname through a pipe into a secondary command shell. In order to close the pipe correctly CMD.EXE /K switch and a trailing "$Texit" in the macro definition are used.

Code: Select all
Doskey Macroname=Command Line$Texit
Echo Macroname | %COMSPEC% /K > NUL
Doskey Macroname=
Code: Select all
@echo Off
If %OS%'==Windows_NT' (Echo Non-%OS% Batch File.&Goto End)
If Not %1'==/?' Goto Begin
Echo Sets COMPUTERNAME variable to the computername.
Echo [Call] COMPVAR
Goto End
Doskey Computer=Echo $*$B%COMSPEC% /K > NUL
Doskey name=Echo Set COMPUTERNAME=$*$G%TEMP%.\$OMPVAR0.BAT$TExit$TExit
Net Config | Find "Computer name" | %COMSPEC% /K > NUL
For %%C In (Call Del) Do %%C %TEMP%.\$OMPVAR0.BAT
For %%M In (Computer name) Do Doskey %%M=
Code: Select all
@echo Off
If %OS%'==Windows_NT' (Echo Non-%OS% Batch File.&Goto End)
If Not %1'==/?' Goto Begin
Echo Sets USERNAME variable to the username.
Echo [Call] USERVAR
Goto End
Doskey User=Echo $*$B%COMSPEC% /K > NUL
Doskey name=Echo Set USERNAME=$*$G%TEMP%.\$SERVAR0.BAT$TExit$TExit
Net Config | Find "User name" | %COMSPEC% /K > NUL
For %%C In (Call Del) Do %%C %TEMP%.\$SERVAR0.BAT
For %%M In (User name) Do Doskey %%M=
If %USERNAME%'==' Echo No user logged on.

Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
Doesn't work for me, and I don't see how it could work, based on what I have read.
Clepto - have you really tested this and gotten it to work, or are you simply yanking our chain?
When I invoke CMD after defining the macro, I confirmed that the CMD knows the definition of the macro, but when I pipe the macro name into CMD it claims it doesn't know the command. This is exactly the same behavior I get if I try to execute a DOSKEY macro from a batch file.
I don't know much about the low level implementation of keyboard, stdin, stdout, pipes, interrupts, etc. But I did some research via Google. Based on my limited understanding of what I have read, DOSKEY operates by reading the keyboard directly through interrupt 16. Pipes work by redirecting output of one program to stdin of the next which is read via interrupt 21. Seems like a dead end to me.
Even if it did work, it seems awfully inconvenient and slow. 1st there is the overhead of executing CMD, then transferring changed environment values via temporary batch files. Yuk. Not for me.
Dave Benham
Clepto - have you really tested this and gotten it to work, or are you simply yanking our chain?

When I invoke CMD after defining the macro, I confirmed that the CMD knows the definition of the macro, but when I pipe the macro name into CMD it claims it doesn't know the command. This is exactly the same behavior I get if I try to execute a DOSKEY macro from a batch file.
I don't know much about the low level implementation of keyboard, stdin, stdout, pipes, interrupts, etc. But I did some research via Google. Based on my limited understanding of what I have read, DOSKEY operates by reading the keyboard directly through interrupt 16. Pipes work by redirecting output of one program to stdin of the next which is read via interrupt 21. Seems like a dead end to me.
Even if it did work, it seems awfully inconvenient and slow. 1st there is the overhead of executing CMD, then transferring changed environment values via temporary batch files. Yuk. Not for me.
Dave Benham
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Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
It didn't work for you
That's odd works for me...
I wonder what that little bit does
Anyone else not working 

That's odd works for me...
I wonder what that little bit does

Code: Select all
; nasm -f bin -o cmd.asm
org 100h ; inform Nasm that dos will load us at 100h
; get into graphics mode
mov ax, 13h ; ah=0, change mode - al=mode
int 10h
; set a segreg to video memory
push 0A000h
pop es
mov di, 320 * 10 ; row 10
mov cx, 256 ; 256 colors
mov al, 1 ; start with blue... (0 is black)
mov [es:di], al ; store color in memory location
inc di ; next memory location
inc al ; next color
loop .top ; until done
; pause to admire our masterpiece
mov ah, 0
int 16h
; back to text mode
mov ax, 3
int 10h
; back to dos
Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
Ok cleo, i've bookmarked this topic, I gonna look into this at a later point in time.
If it works, then that would be great, but like benham pointed out, you are causing a large overhead. Dunno, getting back to this..
Ok cleo, i've bookmarked this topic, I gonna look into this at a later point in time.
If it works, then that would be great, but like benham pointed out, you are causing a large overhead. Dunno, getting back to this..
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Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
Yes this does work, there are a few things missing but it is meant to be a starting point.
As most of my post are this one is no different it is misleading. I don't like to spell things
As most of my post are this one is no different it is misleading. I don't like to spell things
Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
Cleptography wrote:It didn't work for you![]()
That's odd works for me...
I wonder what that little bit does![]()
Anyone else not working
On my systems it fails, too

I tested with
Code: Select all
( echo doskey xx=echo YY& echo doskey /macros & echo xx & echo doskey /macros & echo exit) | (%COMSPEC% echo hello )
I expect it should work ...
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Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
Ed Dyreen wrote:☺
Ok cleo, i've bookmarked this topic, I gonna look into this at a later point in time.
If it works, then that would be great, but like benham pointed out, you are causing a large overhead. Dunno, getting back to this..
Forget about the overhead and just make the damn code do what it is suppose to.
If you change a few things around does it work using

Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
ok, I no longer use dosKey macro's and I am about to remove them from my library permanently.
I am posting the code here because I thought maybe it would be useful for someone else who for some reason would like to use doskey to store and retrieve variables or execute macro's.
-Doskey variables are unaffected by setlocal or endlocal, this allows global variables thus a way to return any variable over endlocal with little effort.
-Doskey allows 'protected' variables for simulating object attributes that should only be changed using the object's set method. Doskey memory can be used to store these protected attributes as variables.
I am posting the pseudocode because I am too lazy to convert it, but also it would obfuscate the key parts of the code.
-char 34 has to be encoded for doskey to succesfully store the data.
-the data is saved into 4 different placeholders to prevent overflow caused by encoding
That's all there is too it, it's really simple
These are the macro's
And these are the functions
Hope it helps,
I am posting the code here because I thought maybe it would be useful for someone else who for some reason would like to use doskey to store and retrieve variables or execute macro's.
-Doskey variables are unaffected by setlocal or endlocal, this allows global variables thus a way to return any variable over endlocal with little effort.
-Doskey allows 'protected' variables for simulating object attributes that should only be changed using the object's set method. Doskey memory can be used to store these protected attributes as variables.
I am posting the pseudocode because I am too lazy to convert it, but also it would obfuscate the key parts of the code.
-char 34 has to be encoded for doskey to succesfully store the data.
-the data is saved into 4 different placeholders to prevent overflow caused by encoding
That's all there is too it, it's really simple
These are the macro's
Code: Select all
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( %macroStart_% runDosKeyMacro_, enableDelayedExpansion )
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: last updated : 2014^03^14
:: support : naDelayed
:: <<implements>> setDosKeyMacro_
set ^"$usage.%$macro%=^
%= =% use: ( %%runDosKeyMacro_%% #macro, #args,# )%$n1c%
%= =% err: 0 for succes, 1 for error"
:: (
%= =%for %%# in ("") do set ^"%$macro%=!forQ_! (1,2) do if %%?==2 (%$c1%
%= =%set _="^!$function.fullPathFile^!" !$macro! $macro$ ^^^!*:~1^^^!^&if ^^^!?^^^!.==. !reDelayLH_!_%$n1c%
%= =%set _=^^^!_:%%=%%%%^^^!%= delay percent for call =%%$n1c%
%= =%!forLineR_! ("^!_^!") do endlocal^&call %%r)else set ?=^^^!^&setlocal enableDelayedExpansion^&set *=%e15%!"
:: )
( %macroEnd% )
:: (
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion &( %debugOn_% §runDosKeyMacro_ )
:: (
( %setDosKeyMacro_% testMacro_ ) 2>nul
( %testMacro_% This, works )
:: )
:: )
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
goto :skip "()"
:skip ()
::DEPRICIATED use macroFileDump_
goto :skip "()"
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( %macroStart_% getDosKeyMacro_, enableDelayedExpansion )
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: last updated : 2014^02^18
:: support : naDelayed
:: <<implements>> setDosKeyMacro_
set ^"$usage.%$macro%=^
%= =% use: ( %%getDosKeyMacro_%% #macro, #altName,# )%$n1c%
%= =% err: 0 for succes, 1 for error"
:: (
%= =%for %%# in ("") do set ^"%$macro%=!forQ_! (1,2) do if %%?==2 (%$c1%
%= =%set _="^!$function.fullPathFile^!" !$macro!,^^^!*:~1^^^!^&if ^^^!?^^^!.==. !reDelayLH_!_%$n1c%
%= =%!forLineR_! ("^!_^!") do endlocal^&call %%r)else set ?=^^^!^&setlocal enableDelayedExpansion^&set *=%e15%!"
:: )
( %macroEnd% )
:: (
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: (
( %setDosKeyMacro_% testMacro_ ) ||( %assertFail_% )
( %getDosKeyMacro_% testMacro_ ) ||( %assertFail_% )
( %testMacro_% this, works, "Thi^^ s^! work^^ s^!" ) ||( %assertFail_% testMacro_ )
:: )
:: )
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
goto :skip "()"
:skip ()
::DEPRICIATED use macroFileDump_
goto :skip "()"
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( %macroStart_% setDosKeyMacro_, enableDelayedExpansion )
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: last updated : 2015^01^28
:: support : naDelayed
:: <<implements>> runDosKeyMacro_
set ^"$usage.%$macro%=^
%= =% use: ( %%setDosKeyMacro_%% #macroName )%$n1c%
%= =% err: 0 for succes, 1 for error"
:: (
%= =%for %%# in ("") do set ^"%$macro%=!vsDelim_!(!setLocal_!!$macro!%$n1c%
%= =%!paramL_!'$vr,"%%a"','runDosKeyMacro_,runDosKeyMacro_'%$n1c%
%= =%!forQ_! (^^^!$vr^^^!) do set $vl=^&set $vl=^^^!%%?^^^!%$n1c%
%= =%!necho_! ^^^!$trace^^^!%e7%(^^^!$vr^^^!%e7%)%$n1c%
%= =%!for@_! ("$oldlen,^!$vr^!","$newlen,runDosKeyMacro_") do (!callMacro_!stringLen_,%%~@)2^>^&1^>nul%$n1c%
%= =%!necho_! oldlen : '^^^!$oldlen^^^!' bytes%$n1c%
%= =%!necho_! newlen : '^^^!$newlen^^^!' bytes%$n1c%
%= =%(!necho_! olddata: '^^^!$vl^^^!')^>^&2%$n1c%
%= =%if defined $vl (%$c1%
%= =%set $0=^^^!$vl:~0,2048^^^!%$n1c%
%= =%set $1=^^^!$vl:~2048,2048^^^!%$n1c%
%= =%set $2=^^^!$vl:~4096,2048^^^!%$n1c%
%= =%set $3=^^^!$vl:~6144^^^!%$n1c%
%= =%!forÇ_! (0,1,3) do (%$c1%
%= =%!advEncoLH_!$%%ç,/KCF%= coded mark set =%%$n1c%
%= =%set $%%ç=^^^!$%%ç:^^^"=§q^^^!%= enco 34 =%%$n1c%
%= =%doskey.EXE /exename=^^^!$vr^^^!.%%ç _=_^^^!$%%ç^^^!%$c1%
%= =%)%$n1c%
%= =%(!necho_! newdata: '^^^!runDosKeyMacro_^^^!')^>^&2%$n1c%
%= =%set %%~a=^^^!runDosKeyMacro_:$macro$=%%~a^^^!%$c1%
%= =%)else !exception.set_!1%$n1c%
%= =%!forQ_! (^^^!£e^^^!) do (%$c1%
%= =%!exception.nPrintL!^&!endlocalL_!^^^!$r^^^!,%%a%$n1c%
%= =%!setExitCode!%$c1%
%= =%))else setlocal enableDelayedExpansion^&set *="
:: )
( %macroEnd% )
And these are the functions
Code: Select all
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:§getDosKeyMacro_ ( #$macro, #$altName,# )
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: last updated : 2014^06^29
:: support : naDelayed
:: languages : N/A
rem ( %debugOn_% "!$trace!" ) &( %debug_% "", "inside !$trace!(!§p!)", #equ )
( %forP_% '$macro,"%%a"', '$altName,"%%b","%%a"' )
:: (
( %icho_% !$trace!^(!$macro!:!$altName!^)) &( %debug_% "valid()", #equ )
:: (
:: )
( %debug_% "perform()", #equ )
:: (
set "$vl=" &%forQ_% (
"doskey /m:!$macro!.0"
"doskey /m:!$macro!.1"
"doskey /m:!$macro!.2"
"doskey /m:!$macro!.3"
) do %forLineR_% (
) do set "$=%%r" &set "$=!$:~3!" &if defined $ (
( %deq_% %necho_%$=!$!_ )
set "$=!$:§q="!" %= deco 34 =%
( %advDecoLH_% $, /KCF ) %= coded mark unset =%
set "$vl=!$vl!!$!"
( %necho_% !$altName!: '!$vl!' )
set "!$altName!=!$vl!" &if defined $vl (
( %exception.clear% )
) else ( %exception.set_% 1 )
:: )
set "$rA=!$rA!,!$altName!"
set "$r=£e"
:: )
set "$r=!$r!" &set "$rA=!$rA!" &( %exception.nPrintL% ) &( %debug_% "outside !$trace!()", #equ, #pause ) &exit /B !£e!
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:skip ()
goto :skip "()"
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:§runDosKeyMacro_ ( #$macro, #$args,# )
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: last updated : 2015^01^22
:: support : naDelayed
:: languages : N/A
rem ( %debugOn_% "!$trace!" ) &( %debug_% "", "inside !$trace!(!§p!)", #equ )
( %forP_% '$macro,"%%a"' ) &set "§p=!§p:* =!"
:: (
( %debug_% "valid(!$macro!:!§p!)", #equ )
:: (
( %getDosKeyMacro_% !$macro!, $macro ) >nul
( %reDelayLH_% §p )
:: )
( %debug_% "perform()", #equ ) &( %deq_% %n2echo_% $macro=!$macro!_ )
:: (
( %$macro% %§p% )
:: )
( %debug_% "$r=!$r!_", "$rA=!$rA!_", #equ )
( %deq_% %necho_% $=!$!_ )
:: )
set "$r=!$r!" &set "$rA=!$rA!" &( %debug_% "outside !$trace!()", #equ, #pause ) &exit /B !£e!
:: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:skip ()
goto :skip "()"
Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
I have created the batch file Test54.bat. This batch file can run the Doskey macros.
I have not tested everything.
Here the code of Test54.bat:
My testing batch file Test54c.bat:
Here can see the input and output. The Doskey commands I entered directly at the prompt.
Even the last command in the batch file is executed. The image viewer IrfanView runs and displays an image.
I have not tested everything.
Here the code of Test54.bat:
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set v_macro=%1
for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in ("%*") do set par=%%b
for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('doskey /macros ^| findstr /i /b /r "%v_macro%="') do (
set test=%%b
set test=!test:$*=%par%!
set test=!test:$1=%1!
set test=!test:$2=%2!
set test=!test:$3=%3!
set test=!test:$4=%4!
set test=!test:$5=%5!
set test=!test:$6=%6!
set test=!test:$7=%7!
set test=!test:$8=%8!
set test=!test:$9=%9!
set test=!test:$T=^&!
rem echo !test!
endlocal & %test%
My testing batch file Test54c.bat:
Code: Select all
@echo off
rem The following DOSKEY commands at the promt.
rem doskey ich=for %a in ($*) do @echo %a
rem doskey ich2=echo $1 $3 $5 $7 $9 $t echo $2 $4 $6 $8 $t echo $*
doskey /macros
call d:\cmdverz\test54 ich 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
call d:\cmdverz\test54 ich2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
echo Examples from my system:
call d:\cmdverz\test54 vg
findstr /i "a1680" *.txt
call d:\cmdverz\test54 iview ..\Girls\card_a1680.jpg
Here can see the input and output. The Doskey commands I entered directly at the prompt.
Code: Select all
D:\CMDVerz>doskey ich=for %a in ($*) do @echo %a
D:\CMDVerz>doskey ich2=echo $1 $3 $5 $7 $9 $t echo $2 $4 $6 $8 $t echo $*
ich2=echo $1 $3 $5 $7 $9 $t echo $2 $4 $6 $8 $t echo $*
ich=for %a in ($*) do @echo %a
VG=CD /d D:\meins\VGHD\VG\categorie
VGall=CD /d D:\meins\VGHD\VGall
DBex=CD /d D:\meins\VGHD\DBex\categorie
VGex=CD /d D:\meins\VGHD\VGex\categorie
VGcl=CD /d D:\meins\VGHD\VGclassic\categorie
DB=CD /d D:\meins\VGHD\DB\categorie
IVIEW="C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\i_view32" $*
1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Examples from my system:
CardSize.txt:a1680 22 477 "Niky / Wild Flower"
Even the last command in the batch file is executed. The image viewer IrfanView runs and displays an image.
Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
To clarify my previous example ( which wasn't very clear at all, sorry :p ); the only thing required to store and retrieve variables from dosKey memory are the switches;
/exename= x = y ( store data y as variable x )
/m: x ( retrieve data y from variable x )
this way it is possible to retrieve a variable behind endlocal.
/exename= x = y ( store data y as variable x )
/m: x ( retrieve data y from variable x )
this way it is possible to retrieve a variable behind endlocal.
Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
Interesting idea tooComplexEd
I couldn't follow your first post - you definitely lived up to your nickname
Your second post set me on the right path, but it was missing a few details. You still need a FOR /F to transfer the DOSKEY macro value to a normal environment variable. Unfortunately, this leads to a limitation in that ! (and possibly ^) will be corrupted if the caller has delayed expansion enabled. Previously explored safe return techniques could be adopted to preserve problematic characters.
Here is a demonstration showing how two variables could be passed across the ENDLOCAL border. This also demonstrates the limitation when delayed expansion is enabled:
At first I thought this technique didn't have any advantages over previously discovered return techniques. But then I realized that the DOSKEY values are preserved even after CMD /C exits
This could be very useful. For example, it enables the capture of the ERRORLEVEL from both sides of a pipe
Dave Benham

I couldn't follow your first post - you definitely lived up to your nickname

Your second post set me on the right path, but it was missing a few details. You still need a FOR /F to transfer the DOSKEY macro value to a normal environment variable. Unfortunately, this leads to a limitation in that ! (and possibly ^) will be corrupted if the caller has delayed expansion enabled. Previously explored safe return techniques could be adopted to preserve problematic characters.
Here is a demonstration showing how two variables could be passed across the ENDLOCAL border. This also demonstrates the limitation when delayed expansion is enabled:
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
echo DelayedExpansion=OFF
echo --------------------
call :test
echo After Return:
set var
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
echo DelayedExpansion=ON
echo --------------------
call :test
echo After Return:
set var
exit /b
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: Define local variables
set "var1=Hello^world"
set "var2="This ^& that" & the other thing^! ^^"
echo Before return:
set var
:: Save the local values for transport across ENDLOCAL
for %%V in (var1 var2) do doskey /exename=vars %%V=!%%V!
echo After ENDLOCAL:
set var
:: Restore the values and undefine the DOSKEY "macros"
for /f "delims=" %%V in ('doskey /m:vars') do (
set "%%V"
for /f "delims==" %%V in ("%%V") do (doskey /exename=vars %%V=)
exit /b
Code: Select all
Before return:
var2="This & that" & the other thing! ^
Environment variable var not defined
After Return:
var2="This & that" & the other thing! ^
Before return:
var2="This & that" & the other thing! ^
var2="This & that" & the other thing! ^
After Return:
var2="This & that" & the other thing
At first I thought this technique didn't have any advantages over previously discovered return techniques. But then I realized that the DOSKEY values are preserved even after CMD /C exits

Code: Select all
@echo off
:: Capture the errorlevel for both the left and right sides of pipe
findstr "@" "%~f0"
call doskey /exename=vars leftErr=%%^^errorlevel%%
) | (
findstr "q"
call doskey /exename=vars rightErr=%%^^errorlevel%%
:: Retrive the errorlevels
for /f "delims=" %%V in ('doskey /m:vars') do (
set "%%V"
for /f "delims==" %%V in ("%%V") do (doskey /exename=vars %%V=)
:: Show the results
echo left ERRORLEVEL = %leftErr%
echo right ERRORLEVEL = %rightErr%
Code: Select all
right ERRORLEVEL = 1
Dave Benham
Re: How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file
npocmaka_ wrote:As the first posts in the thread are just 'Posted bellow' I'm not completely sure what the final goal is , but probably this could help:
That just shows one method for defining DOSKEY macros - not really any help.
The original topic was exactly as the title says: "How to execute DOSKEY macros from within a batch file?" DOSKEY macros only work when issued from the command line via the keyboard. You cannot invoke a DOSKEY macro via batch code. Cleptography was claiming it could be done, but he never showed the method. I have my doubts as to whether he ever had a practical solution for modern Windows machines.
It looks to me like trebor68 is extracting commands from a defined DOSKEY macro, and then executing the commands via batch. But I don't consider that to be truly executing the macro.
My post was in response to Ed's posts regarding the use of DOSKEY macros as a memory storage unit - an alternative to files and environment variables. We basically treat the macro definition as the value for a variable, not as a macro.
The technique is of interest because DOSKEY macro definitions survive ENDLOCAL. They even survive EXIT from a child cmd.exe process as long as the parent console window remains open.
Dave Benham