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by davidjsmith1967
30 Mar 2007 11:55
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Removing meaning of & in string manipulation
Replies: 3
Views: 12262

Hi I tried this, not much better. It seems even ask DOS to evaluate from ARG %1 is causing issues. Try this code into test.bat with the command line set RPW_CLIP="%1" set "RPW_CLIP=%RPW_CLIP:~3,-1%" echo RPW_CLIP is %RPW_CLIP% test "F:Bills Music\Blur\13\03. Coffee & TV.mp3" You'll see DOS error...
by davidjsmith1967
29 Mar 2007 07:05
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Removing meaning of & in string manipulation
Replies: 3
Views: 12262

Removing meaning of & in string manipulation

Hi, I am attempting to remove the meaning of & within a string manipulation. Is there a special character to do this (if you're familar with 'sed' for Linux then a \ normally suffices). My code is: set RPW_CLIP=%1 set RPW_CLIP=%RPW_CLIP:~3,-1% Where %1 is from the command line and is: "F:Bills M...