Code: Select all
@for /r "C:\TEST\ROOT" %%a in (.) do @(
pushd "%%a"
move * .. >Nul 2>&1
Code: Select all
@for /r "C:\TEST\ROOT" %%a in (.) do @(
pushd "%%a"
move * .. >Nul 2>&1
no, for convenience onlytebee wrote:so there is no special meaning for '$', or it has?
dbenham wrote:I have read many times that GOTO begins scanning from the current location until it reaches the end of file, then resumes scanning from the top.
set content of current text line (in FOR loop) to variable $atebee wrote:what's the meaning ofset "$a=%%a"
the best is:orange_batch wrote:Best (in this case):
('dir /b /o:d ^| findstr /i ".txt .doc .dat" ')
Code: Select all
('dir/b/o:d^|findstr/i "\.txt \.doc \.dat" ')
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%h in ('dir/b/o:d^|findstr/i ".txt .doc .dat"') do (
set "example=%%h"
echo !example!>>tmp
Hm.. 1252 is ANSI (1-byte), but if I switch my browser to any ANSI/DOS font, russian chars in yor posts takes 2 bytes...dbenham wrote:I've determined that my most recent post of the full code was using Windows 1252 character set (CHCP 1252).
Code: Select all
wscript.echo eval(wscript.arguments(0)&"&""cake""")