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by steogen
12 Jan 2011 08:24
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch to retrieve date string from text file
Replies: 2
Views: 3833

Re: Batch to retrieve date string from text file

Thank you!
It worked though I have set different events for the condition :)

by steogen
12 Jan 2011 07:00
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch to retrieve date string from text file
Replies: 2
Views: 3833

Batch to retrieve date string from text file

Hello, I have built a batch file that when opened adds current date and time to an external text file with the commands: @echo off echo %date% %time% >> flexiLog.txt Every time the batch runs a new line containg date and time is added to the text file as dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss. It works fine. However, ...