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by gdsimz
22 Mar 2011 22:26
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Need help locating a line in text file and replacing it
Replies: 9
Views: 9580

Re: Need help locating a line in text file and replacing it

Thanks you all for the replies. The file had to be created has to be a batch file for this project. aGerman's last reply does work as expected if it is clicked by the user. The process of why it has to be a batch is because the collaboration server (Lotus Domino) will update all the user workstation...
by gdsimz
15 Mar 2011 22:14
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Need help locating a line in text file and replacing it
Replies: 9
Views: 9580

Re: Need help locating a line in text file and replacing it

Yes, When I change the variables, the value displays using the following: @echo off &setlocal set "inifile=C:\lotus\notes\notes.ini" set "section=Notes" set "key=KeyFileName" for /f "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /binc:"[%section%]" "%inifile%&...
by gdsimz
14 Mar 2011 23:32
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Need help locating a line in text file and replacing it
Replies: 9
Views: 9580

Need help locating a line in text file and replacing it

Hi all, I'm needing a push in the right direct for getting substring of a variable with in a FOR and am new to DOS batch scripting. I am creating a batch file for editing an ini file and not having the luxury of using c++ or java for this need. I am trying to locate a line in a file beginning with &...