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by Christian Birr
02 Nov 2011 09:53
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Help on string manipulation needed
Replies: 2
Views: 2865

Re: Help on string manipulation needed


thank you. I'm not at all a scripting guy on windows, more Assembler and REXX on mainframes. Will have to catch up with DOS, too.
Once again, thank you very much.

by Christian Birr
02 Nov 2011 08:56
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Help on string manipulation needed
Replies: 2
Views: 2865

Help on string manipulation needed

Hello all, I try to extract the first 6 characters of a given filename to produce a command. Given a file name of M00091.het the following script FOR %%f IN (*.het) DO F:/HERC370/HERCULES/HETINIT -i D:/Programme/HERCULES/zOS/tapes/HSM1/DONE/%%f %%F:~0,5 HERCULES should produce a command HETINIT D:/P...