Search found 27 matches

by daillest319
30 Oct 2013 14:42
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Loop and merge all files w the same file name
Replies: 5
Views: 4448

Re: Loop and merge all files w the same file name

Yup that did it :D, works perfect. Your right my files done end with CR/LF. I hate to be a pain but is there any way i can use the specfic path of where the files are being stored before being merged. path being \\hdrive\WS Reports\.
by daillest319
30 Oct 2013 13:28
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Loop and merge all files w the same file name
Replies: 5
Views: 4448

Re: Loop and merge all files w the same file name

This works great foxidrive but there one issue that occuring. It seems to be combining the last line of the first file with the first line of the second file its merging with and so on. So the word are mixed up.
by daillest319
30 Oct 2013 12:21
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Loop and merge all files w the same file name
Replies: 5
Views: 4448

Loop and merge all files w the same file name

I'm trying to write a bat script to loop in the folder and merge all the files with the same filename (extension as a wildcard) outputting the same filename but extension as txt for the merge file. Sometime there only 1 file so there no need to merge but i would still need it moved to the output fol...
by daillest319
30 Aug 2013 06:49
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Format datetime from a files modified date
Replies: 5
Views: 6103

Re: Format datetime from a files modified date

For some reason on my code below. i cant save %%~tF as a variable. which is grabbing the date modifeid date and time of the file. is there something im missing inorder to set it as a variable? like so... set filedatetime=%%~tF as of right now if i echo %filedatetime% it comes up blank. this is the r...
by daillest319
29 Aug 2013 13:25
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Format datetime from a files modified date
Replies: 5
Views: 6103

Format datetime from a files modified date

Is there anyway to format the datetime from the modified date of a file to the format below i tried multiple things but have had no luck. What im trying to accomplish here is to copy any files greater than or less than a date range a user inputs in the following format 120101 120731. YYMMDDstart YYM...
by daillest319
14 Jun 2013 20:44
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates
Replies: 9
Views: 7633

Re: Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates

i got it thanks squashman. I cant believe i was missing something so little. here the final version im using if anyone needs it . Thanks to all that help and Aacini for the code. @echo on setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion if "%2" neq "" goto begin echo Usage: %0 YYMMDDstart YYMMDDe...
by daillest319
14 Jun 2013 17:31
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates
Replies: 9
Views: 7633

Re: Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates

i have these line of code in some of my other scripts but for some reason im having trouble implementing it to this script. Any help would be great. for /f "delims=" %a in ('type "U:\task\elect input\before.txt"') do for /f "usebackq delims=" %a in ("U:\task\elect ...
by daillest319
14 Jun 2013 08:19
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates
Replies: 9
Views: 7633

Re: Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates

the script work great but is there a way i can run this script without it being the same folder as the files? I'm grabbing these files from a network path. something like "\\sdata 02\test\etc"
by daillest319
13 Jun 2013 18:57
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates
Replies: 9
Views: 7633

Re: Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates

Aacini Code works but i haven't tested it yet on the actual folder just some sample folder and files. Foxidrive has me alittle curious to see how long it take to run on the real folder. there are a lot of files in thes folder. I was also wondering is there a way i can have set variable for when i wa...
by daillest319
13 Jun 2013 12:57
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates
Replies: 9
Views: 7633

Script to copy all Files In a Folder based on two dates

I need major help with a script or if someone knows of a program that can achieve what im trying to do That would be great as well. I need to copy files from a folder. This is a constant and always for different date ranges. The files i need are from 01/01/12 and 07/31/12 here how the file name look...
by daillest319
05 Apr 2013 11:39
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Bat to Find Words in .txt And Delete all after it
Replies: 11
Views: 8915

Re: Bat to Find Words in .txt And Delete all after it

to foxidrive - i need to delete every line that comes after it so i'm keeping everything thats on End of Transfer line.

I tried both codes and they workbut they run very slow on big text files is there anyway to speed it up or different method that runs faster?
by daillest319
04 Apr 2013 13:07
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Bat to Find Words in .txt And Delete all after it
Replies: 11
Views: 8915

Re: Bat to Find Words in .txt File And Delete all after it

Works but i noticed if there's a word or anythign in front of END OF TRANSFER it will not work is there a way to pick up the word anywhere even if something in front of it?
by daillest319
04 Apr 2013 12:00
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Bat to Find Words in .txt And Delete all after it
Replies: 11
Views: 8915

Bat to Find Words in .txt And Delete all after it

I need to delete everything after the word "END OF TRANSFER" it can be anywhere in the text file. Currently I only know how to delete the line which has "END OF TRANSFER" but even this doesn't work the way i want it. END OF TRANSFER coubld be anywhere in the file and may not alwa...
by daillest319
04 Mar 2013 18:13
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: rename file but keep the date
Replies: 3
Views: 3575

Re: rename file but keep the date

works lovely thank you so much :D .

is it possbile you can explain what each line is doing?
by daillest319
04 Mar 2013 15:35
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: rename file but keep the date
Replies: 3
Views: 3575

rename file but keep the date

Im having a bit of trouble renaming two files. any help would be great. what im trying to do is rename bl6620.x1.BLU.130303.TXT bl6620.x1.BLU.130302.TXT the date is at the end yymmdd. this always changes. here what i need the files to look like bl6620_x1_BLU_130303.TXT bl6620_x1_BLU_130302.TXT here ...