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by Mark_B
30 Jul 2007 11:18
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: auto answering a FORMAT command
Replies: 1
Views: 7940

auto answering a FORMAT command

I am currently writing a script that will auto partition a disk into volumes as part of the server installation. I am using diskpart to create the volumes and assigning the appropriate drive letter, but i can not work out a way of stopping the FORMAT command from requiring user input to select Y on ...
by Mark_B
12 Jul 2007 10:12
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: I need some help here..
Replies: 3
Views: 10817

oops forgot to take out the echo in front of the last line! at the moment all it will do will print the command on the screen ... to make it actually do it take out the word echo. Variables are easy to use in batch scripting, define them using SET and use them with % around them. in the example i ga...
by Mark_B
12 Jul 2007 10:10
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: I need some help here..
Replies: 3
Views: 10817

try this to see if it works :

@echo off

set /p name=Please Enter your name :
set /p pword=Please Enter your password :

echo net use Z: \\sosu-srv\%name% /user:%name% %pword% /persistent:yes