Search found 515 matches
- 18 Nov 2024 08:45
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: pcalua command line options.
- Replies: 0
- Views: 7839
pcalua command line options.
pcalua is part of "Program Compatibility Assistant" and as I understand its work - it checks pcalua.pdb in order to apply shims , start the program and then release it. To check/edit the compatibility db you need the compatibility administrator which on MS page leads to a dead link and I don't know ...
- 18 Nov 2024 08:43
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: UNZIP anywhere in 200 bytes, embedded (XP and onwards)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6259
Re: UNZIP anywhere in 200 bytes, embedded (XP and onwards)
You might be interested in this: ... /zipjs.bat - a script that uses windows capabilities to zip/unzip files and I've wrote long ago.
- 06 Aug 2024 02:08
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: Looks like dostips is extensively on AI training?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 20405
Looks like dostips is extensively on AI training?
I think there's a spike in the views even on the newer threads here - even on the newest topics ,despite the niche and obscure thing that the batch scripting is. I see increase also in the SS64 forums ,but not so big. My guess they are using the data here on AI traini...
- 20 May 2024 06:35
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: dir ????????.txt does not show only files with length of 8 characters
- Replies: 7
- Views: 24822
Re: dir ????????.txt does not show only files with length of 8 characters
By default 8.3 notation is turned on Windows and all files have two names the short one and the real one. -> with dir /x and dir /n you can list short names or long names respectively. Eventual...
- 29 Jan 2024 06:28
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: is there a DOS command for running a program with windows 98 compatibility?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 28845
Re: is there a DOS command for running a program with windows 98 compatibility?
isnt compatibility layer set by __COMPAT_LAYER variable? -> ... ctually-do . Though this not work so well ... Can be set also through a shortcut settings.
- 21 Dec 2023 11:42
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: Why for loop wmic get processid return an extra invalid value?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 12791
Re: Why for loop wmic get processid return an extra invalid value?
I think I saw you asking the same question in SO and suggested in a comment to check this thread:-> wmic sets an extra CR at the end which messes the output. But can be stripped with additional for loop: for /f "usebackq skip=1 delims=" %%a in ( `wm...
- 19 Jul 2023 12:06
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: Deleting files with sending them to Recycle Bin [SOLVED]
- Replies: 8
- Views: 11480
Re: Deleting but with sending items to Recycle Bin
try this: What does the present in it "Usage (prints with default printer a file if possible)" suppose to have anything to do with deletion of items and Recycle Bin ? There's a CLI program called binit that sends thi...
- 19 Jul 2023 02:39
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: Deleting files with sending them to Recycle Bin [SOLVED]
- Replies: 8
- Views: 11480
- 02 Jul 2023 16:04
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: How to escape comma in wmic?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 15420
Re: How to escape comma in wmic?
At the moment I'm using macbook (it's atrocious) and I cannot test it. Though for the where clause the escape symbol is backslash but I'm not sure if this will work for call but you can try it.
- 14 Oct 2022 03:09
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: Complete control of cmd windows
- Replies: 88
- Views: 107330
Re: Complete control of cmd windows
Another approach could be a creation of lnk file and editing the ConsoleaDataBlock : - it requires binary editing of that block. Here's an old C# hybrid that tickles the quick edit mode - ht...
- 20 Sep 2022 14:49
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: Lunar Lander in the copy dialog
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4171
Lunar Lander in the copy dialog - that's mad.. (to play it you need an SSD)
- 07 Mar 2022 10:17
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: progress bar while copying (xcopy)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 15152
Re: progress bar while copying (xcopy)
for (big) single files
can be used.
Code: Select all
esentutl /y "FILE.EXT" /d "DEST.EXT" /o
- 18 Aug 2021 04:43
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: DOS batch file or something else?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5879
Re: DOS batch file or something else?
Check this ... ipInfo.bat
With passing the number for the rating you can get the rating ... ipInfo.bat
With passing the number for the rating you can get the rating
- 27 May 2021 14:18
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: For /F to process multiple lines
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5809
Re: For /F to process multiple lines
you havent defined the tokens you want to get.
try with
tokens option will assign the string before the first `:` to the %%G and everything else to the %%H
try with
Code: Select all
For /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%G in (
) do (
set "%%G=%%H"
- 27 May 2021 14:14
- Forum: DOS Batch Forum
- Topic: package manager
- Replies: 2
- Views: 6398
Re: package manager
Package Manager:packagemgr.jpg (Sorry, couldn't resist. I mean, wow, this is certainly the most minimalistic post I've ever seen on DosTips. Would you mind to at least leave one sentence what you get if you follow the link and why it's worth to check this out? Thanks! Steffen)[ /size] npm for node ...