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by val5662
14 Jul 2017 07:53
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date
Replies: 9
Views: 8934

Re: Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date

John A....
Your last modified code with the "If Not Defined year Set Year=2001" worked 100%.
I appreciate your coding knowledge,time and patience!
Thanks a bunch! :D
by val5662
12 Jul 2017 22:18
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date
Replies: 9
Views: 8934

Re: Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date

Yo John A... I am lost.Let me explain in detail. I put the batch file in a test folder with 2 rars and 2 zips file that had files inside that were made in different years. 3 had files dated 2003.1 had files dated 2001.When I ran the test batch exactly as I copied from your last post,it copied all 4 ...
by val5662
12 Jul 2017 13:02
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date
Replies: 9
Views: 8934

Re: Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date

Sorry thefeduke.... I am lost.I am not a professional batch maker or understand all the terminology you just said. If you can please give me the exact batch coding I would need in my case. More info if you need it: I want to put the batch files inside a directory full of rars and zips and make a fol...
by val5662
11 Jul 2017 21:31
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date
Replies: 9
Views: 8934

Re: Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date

thefeduke Sorry for the late reply....been super busy. Sorry but I am not very good at batch files and terminology. I don't understand what you mean by "please use code tag when posting code." What is a "code tag"? Is this the correct way of writing this batch file when you said ...
by val5662
17 Jun 2017 10:39
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date
Replies: 9
Views: 8934

Batch file required to move rars and zips by any inside file date

Hi all... Please help if you can. I need a batch file to search inside over 100 rar and zip files and move the rar or zip files to a folder according to a year of any file inside.Here is what I tried last.....didn't work.... @ echo off md 2016files echo IN PROGRESS PLEASE WAIT for %%F in (*rar,*.zip...
by val5662
29 Apr 2017 15:47
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Search for EXACT word using a Batch file - Help!
Replies: 2
Views: 3630

Re: Search for EXACT word using a Batch file - Help!

Thanks! I appreciate it a bunch.This works like a charm!

for %%f in (*.html) do findstr /rmpc:"\<cop\.rar\>" "%%f" >> found-xact-complete-name.txt

Problem solved... :D

by val5662
29 Apr 2017 12:49
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Search for EXACT word using a Batch file - Help!
Replies: 2
Views: 3630

Search for EXACT word using a Batch file - Help!

I have a folder with one hundred and some htmls.I want to find an exact match to any complete word I search for and display it in a text file.The latest attempt still failed: for %%f in (*.html) do findstr /m /p /c:"cop.rar" "%%f" >> exact-results.txt What the above only does is ...
by val5662
27 May 2016 17:35
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file required for moving rars and zips.
Replies: 1
Views: 3351

Re: Batch file required for moving rars and zips.

alphaniner in another forum solved it:
for %%F in (*rar,*.zip) do "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" l "%%F" | findstr /m /i /e ".car" >NUL && move "%%F" cars >NUL
The code above worked 100%
Thanks anyway guys!
by val5662
27 May 2016 15:21
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file required for moving rars and zips.
Replies: 1
Views: 3351

Batch file required for moving rars and zips.

Batch File required to move rar and zip files to a folder according to the word car anywhere inside the archive. Here is what I have.It works in a test folder with 2 rars and 1 zip but when I put it in the folder with four hundred rars and zips,it creates the folder and just hangs at the "pleas...
by val5662
01 Nov 2015 15:26
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file to delete 1 file 10 secs after it appears?
Replies: 2
Views: 3143

Re: Batch file to delete 1 file 10 secs after it appears?

Squashman.... Thanks....but I just figured it out a few mins before I checked back here. @echo off :start cls If exist zm_model.inf goto delete if not exist zm_model.inf goto wait :delete color 0a echo. echo. echo. echo DELETED zm_model.inf EXISTING FILE echo PRESS ctrl + c TO EXIT THIS LOOPING BATC...
by val5662
01 Nov 2015 13:01
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file to delete 1 file 10 secs after it appears?
Replies: 2
Views: 3143

Batch file to delete 1 file 10 secs after it appears?

Hi Guys.... Need help! Using "Task Scheduler" in windows7 32bit is it possible to run a batch file to delete a file 10 seconds after it is made by another program? The batch file would be using windows "forfiles.exe" so I am guessing the start of the batch file would look like fo...
by val5662
13 Nov 2014 22:38
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file needed to sort alpha channel tga files.
Replies: 8
Views: 7098

Re: Batch file needed to sort alpha channel tga files.

Thanks all ! :D
Call this problem solved.
echo Topic closed :D
by val5662
13 Nov 2014 07:06
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file needed to sort alpha channel tga files.
Replies: 8
Views: 7098

Re: Batch file needed to sort alpha channel tga files.

foxidrive......... Thanks a lot ! Your code: @echo off md "alpha-tgas" 2>nul :: Define BS to contain a backspace for /f %%a in ('"prompt $H&for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%a" for %%a in (*.tga) do findstr /I "%BS%" "%%a" >nul && mov...
by val5662
12 Nov 2014 11:03
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file needed to sort alpha channel tga files.
Replies: 8
Views: 7098

Re: Batch file needed to sort alpha channel tga files.

Here is a link to a hex image of one of the alpha channel tga files.
Hope that helps.
by val5662
11 Nov 2014 13:41
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch file needed to sort alpha channel tga files.
Replies: 8
Views: 7098

Batch file needed to sort alpha channel tga files.

Hi All........ I need a batch file to sort tga image files. I have Win 7 pro 64 bit. I have a bunch of tga image files.Some have alpha channels.What I want to do is find a hex string 08 ( zero eight ) and use "goto movethem" as shown in the examples below.There is only one 08 hex string in...