Search found 12 matches

by gbattis
11 Mar 2015 10:56
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: need a file to echo true if along.bat is running
Replies: 4
Views: 4844

Re: need a file to echo true if along.bat is running

@Echo Off SetLocal Set "_TFile=along.bat" For /F "Tokens=*" %%A In ( 'TaskList/V /FI "WindowTitle EQ %_TFile%" /FO CSV /NH') Do ( For %%B In (%%A) Do Set _Reslt=%%~B) If /I "%_Reslt%" Equ "%_TFile%" (Echo; [Running]) Else (Echo; [Not Running]) Pause...
by gbattis
10 Mar 2015 14:00
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: need a file to echo true if along.bat is running
Replies: 4
Views: 4844

need a file to echo true if along.bat is running

I am running a file called along.bat and I need another batch file to echo true or false if the along.bat is running.
I know to get the task list i need to use tasklist /v but how do i make it echo true/false along.bat is running or not.?
by gbattis
27 Feb 2015 13:19
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: getting for command to work
Replies: 3
Views: 3234

Re: getting for command to work

thank you to both of you for the solution. :)
by gbattis
27 Feb 2015 12:46
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: getting for command to work
Replies: 3
Views: 3234

getting for command to work

need help on the last lines of this script with for command i need it to set %thepasswordtouse% variable to the text in the document. This doc contains only 1 line of txt. @echo off IF EXIST sam2.pas goto :passwordfiledoesexist ( ) else ( cls echo Welcome to Greg's Batch OS set /p passwordin=Pick a ...
by gbattis
13 Feb 2015 16:37
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: IF statement when the timer reaches a certain time do this..
Replies: 5
Views: 4311

Re: IF statement when the timer reaches a certain time do th

Sorry for a late reply. The timer needs to play a sound file once the time has got to 1m 4s, 2m 10s, 3m 16s, 4m 22s and so on... I will have about 30 times and it would also be a huge help if the color can change from green to red 10 seconds before the elapsed time is reached. Then after the time ha...
by gbattis
02 Feb 2015 13:19
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: IF statement when the timer reaches a certain time do this..
Replies: 5
Views: 4311

IF statement when the timer reaches a certain time do this..

I need help writing this bit of code on this timer. I need it to open another file after a certain time is reached such as 0:01:03 (aka 1m 3s after it is started) all while going back and looping without it stopping. This is going to be repetitive and different times after (1:03 2:04 3:23...). @echo...
by gbattis
12 Jan 2015 23:26
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls
Replies: 8
Views: 5096

Re: Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls

yes that is exactly what i couldn't find. thanks very much.
by gbattis
12 Jan 2015 23:14
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls
Replies: 8
Views: 5096

Re: Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls

This does not fix the problem. try this save this as a batch. @echo off :a echo type 1+1 set /p sum= set /a ans=%sum% echo = %ans% pause cls goto :a After typing something and it returns you can get the previous input by clicking the up arrow to put back the last entry. I need to know how to clear t...
by gbattis
12 Jan 2015 23:03
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls
Replies: 8
Views: 5096

Re: Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls

example? I don't see how setting a variable will fix this problem. Sorry for my ignorance I am fairly new to batch scripting.
by gbattis
12 Jan 2015 22:55
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls
Replies: 8
Views: 5096

Re: Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls

sorry my bad it is not the menub it is :menua tag and i want to clear the history from ALL of the previous set /p functions as it was done with the password around the :password1 tag.
by gbattis
12 Jan 2015 22:30
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls
Replies: 8
Views: 5096

Batch Script Help clearing history NOT issue with cls

I need all previous entry's typed to be cleared. I got this to work to clear the password from the history but I want everything cleared from the input history. I know you can clear using ALT+F7 but I want this done automatically to clear the username entry.