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by kentck86
14 Dec 2015 09:17
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: How To download file with latest date only at remote folder
Replies: 3
Views: 2677

Re: How To download file with latest date only at remote folder

foxidrive wrote:If the filenames contain the date then they can be made to sort by date.

Using the FTP log file is the only other way, and the actual log file of the FTP listing will show us if that can be done.

Here's some info: ... and-window


I dont get it. could you list the procedure here please.

thank you
by kentck86
11 Dec 2015 10:46
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: How To download file with latest date only at remote folder
Replies: 3
Views: 2677

How To download file with latest date only at remote folder

Hi Guys, I am having the following code which search for specific filename in remote folder to download to local folder. How can i edit this to be searching for latest date file in remote folder to be downloaded.Thank you @Echo Off Set _FTPServerName= Set _UserName=ABC Set _Password=12...