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by dubcusb
15 Apr 2017 10:28
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Is it possible to do "choice /t" without having a predetermined option?
Replies: 6
Views: 7246

Re: Is it possible to do "choice /t" without having a predetermined option?

A good way is to use a "not on keyboard" character. Like the alt+219 which is █ or alt+255 which is something like an invisible character (not tested). Then suppress the display of choices. Here is a small script. choice /c █yn /n /d █ /t 10 /m "[Y/N]" If errorlevel 3 echo No If...
by dubcusb
14 Apr 2017 19:29
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Is it possible to do "choice /t" without having a predetermined option?
Replies: 6
Views: 7246

Is it possible to do "choice /t" without having a predetermined option?

I don't know if I worded that correctly, but what I mean is: Can I do something like @echo off set "errorlevel=0" choice /c yn /t 10 if "%errorlevel%"=="1" goto yes if "%errorlevel%"=="2" goto no goto maybe I want to be able to select between two opt...
by dubcusb
14 Apr 2017 12:46
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Execute a command every n seconds?
Replies: 6
Views: 6027

Re: Execute a command every n seconds?

:LOOP <execute command here> PING -n 5>nul GOTO LOOP Why use "ping" instead of "timeout"? timeout is more precise and easier to remember. :loop <command> timeout /nobreak /t <time in seconds> > NUL goto loop Add "> NUL" at the end to hide the timeout output.