Search found 5 matches

by saltypepper105
20 Aug 2017 21:47
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File
Replies: 9
Views: 9763

Re: changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File

Ok I noticed the problem with both of you codes, they don't allow for a empty/null column entry. Is there any way to fix this?
by saltypepper105
18 Aug 2017 16:35
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File
Replies: 9
Views: 9763

Re: changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File

Simpler : @echo off (for /F "tokens=1-5" %%a in (input.txt) do ( if "%%e" neq "" ( echo %%a %%b %%c %%d:%%e ) else ( echo %%a %%b %%c:%%d ) )) > output.txt Just be sure to insert the proper separators in echo command in each case: a TAB after %%a and %%c and a space af...
by saltypepper105
18 Aug 2017 05:55
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File
Replies: 9
Views: 9763

Re: changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File

elzooilogico wrote:My fault, I didn't read carefully. I've seen a delimiter and assumed they were all the same. Then, this should do the job, as the only valid delimiter is tab.

You are amazing, it works perfectly!
by saltypepper105
17 Aug 2017 16:16
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File
Replies: 9
Views: 9763

Re: changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File

I have a very large tab-delimited text file with 4 columns and many rows. I want a batch file to replace the third tab on each row with a colon. Here is an example of input and desired output: input(always 4 columns): username[tab]firstname[space]lastname[tab]email[tab]number username[tab]firstname...
by saltypepper105
17 Aug 2017 02:50
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File
Replies: 9
Views: 9763

changing a 'Column' in a tab-delimited text File

I have a very large tab-delimited text file with 4 columns and many rows. I want a batch file to replace the third tab on each row with a colon. Here is an example of input and desired output: input(always 4 columns): username[tab]firstname[space]lastname[tab]email[tab]number username[tab]firstname[...