I want to open this thread for two reasons:
1 - gather here the various techniques that are scattered around to manage the cmd window.
2 - solve a problem regarding the aspect ratio for drawing shapes using the new escape sequences of windows 10
I make an example as short as possible. The famous circle.
Here I have used almost none of the techniques that are out there on the web and here.
Code: Select all
@echo off & setlocal enableDelayedExpansion & if NOT "%1"=="" goto :subs
rem save this script in UTF-8
rem multithread
Start "" "%0" Red
Start "" "%0" Green
Start "" "%0" Blue
Start "" "%0" Yellow
Start "" "%0" Cyan
Start "" "%0" Magenta
Start "" "%0" White
Start "" "%0" Orange
Start "" "%0" Pink
Start "" "%0" Salmon
Start "" "%0" Navy
Start "" "%0" Gray
goto :eof
title %1
call :init
rem setting amount of char 50x50
set /A img.x=50, img.y=50
rem font size in pixels, change this for respect aspect ratio.
set /A xc=8, yc=16
set /A width=img.x*xc, height=img.y*yc
rem using aspect ratio for setting windows size
if !width! leq !height! (
set /a res=width, img.y=img.y*xc/yc
) else set /a res=height, img.x=img.x*yc/xc
mode CON: COLS=!img.x! LINES=!img.y!
rem draw a circle (x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2=r^2 . Implicit equation for simpler math.
rem set radius and center in cmd windows
set /A "R=res/2, X0=res/2, Y0=res/2"
rem setting step for better smoothing colors
set /A "mS=-(R*R), step=255*1000/-mS, stepL=128*1000/-mS"
For /L %%y in (1,1,!img.y!) do (
For /L %%x in (1,1,!img.x!) do (
rem calculate circle equation and color for smooting.
rem This code generate multiple circlesof different color and simulate a 3D sphere.
set /A px=%%x*xc, py=%%y*yc, x=px-x0, y=py-y0, S=y*y+x*x-R*R, C=-S*step/1000, CL=-S*stepL/1000"
if !S! leq 0 (
if "%1"=="Red" %plot% %%x %%y !C! 0 0
if "%1"=="Green" %plot% %%x %%y 0 !C! 0
if "%1"=="Blue" %plot% %%x %%y 0 0 !C!
if "%1"=="Yellow" %plot% %%x %%y !C! !C! 0
if "%1"=="Cyan" %plot% %%x %%y 0 !C! !C!
if "%1"=="Magenta" %plot% %%x %%y !C! 0 !C!
if "%1"=="White" %plot% %%x %%y !C! !C! !C!
if "%1"=="Orange" %plot% %%x %%y !C! !CL! 0
if "%1"=="Pink" %plot% %%x %%y !C! 0 !CL!
if "%1"=="Salmon" %plot% %%x %%y !C! !CL! !CL!
if "%1"=="Navy" %plot% %%x %%y 0 0 !CL!
if "%1"=="Gray" %plot% %%x %%y !CL! !CL! !CL!
goto :eof
rem utf8
chcp 65001 >nul
rem for ansi sequence
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E^| %ComSpec%') do set "ESC=%%a"
rem clear environment for faster execution of SET command
set "Path=%SystemRoot%\system32"
for /F "Tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set') do if not %%v==ESC if not %%v==TMP if not %%v==Path set "%%v="
:: Hide the cursor
<nul set /p "=!ESC
The screen of my new laptop is 1920x1080 (FullHD) and in the screen settings if I put a recommended resizing of 125% it messes up all the work I have to do to recalculate the new aspect ratio. But I don't know where to get the data

Place the two images.
with 100% ----------------------------------------------------> with 125% (are ellipsoids)

3 - PS. Can any expert tell me the latest syntax to define the %\n% for macros?