I am trying to launch an executable and then allow the executable to continue on its own accord. I hope I am saying that right. For my test subject I am using VIPRE RESCUE SCANNER which is completely command-line based. When I launch the VIPRERESCUESCANNER.exe it loads up the cmd window and automatically starts scanning without even allowing user input. However If I load up cmd myself and launch
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Which displays the help menu but then If I press any keyboard stroke the cmd window closes. How do I let the batch file allow user input of the commands from the help menu? I figure it kind of like using the batch command just to start the executable in the right direction and then letting the executable take control from there. So in spaghetti code it would look something like this...
Code: Select all
allow VIPRERESCUESCANNER.exe to take over from here
Look forward to replies! Thanks!