I would like to stop a windows service remotely and wait until the service stops before proceeding to the next line of code. In other words, To write a batch code to stop services with dependencies, One service should stop completely before stopping the second one.
The code that i have written does stop the services but it is not waiting for the first service to stop before it stops the second one. Can someone please shed some light on this
Code: Select all
@echo off
set server=servername
set winservice1=service1
set winservice2=service2
echo Stopping service %winservice1% for server %server%...
sc \\%server% stop %winservice1% | findstr STATE
sc \\%server% query %winservice1% | findstr STATE | findstr STOPPED > NUL
if errorlevel 1 (
set output=Error while stopping service1 :(
goto end
echo Stopping service %winservice2% for server %server%...
sc \\%server% stop %winservice2% | findstr STATE
sc \\%server% query %winservice2% | findstr STATE | findstr STOPPED > NUL
if errorlevel 1 (
set output=Error while stopping service2 :(
goto end
goto end
echo %output%
thanks for your help