Given Specific Path: Determine Short or Long path equivalent

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Given Specific Path: Determine Short or Long path equivalent

#1 Post by jeff00seattle » 16 Feb 2010 18:42

Is there a way to determine if given a specific (file or directory) path, what its long or short path equivalent?

I am writing some PHP code, and I need a way to execute a command (within Windows environment) whereby when given a (file or directory) path it will always return its equivalent long path.


Jeff in Seattle

Posts: 239
Joined: 18 Feb 2006 19:54

Re: Given Specific Path: Determine Short or Long path equivalent

#2 Post by DosItHelp » 18 Feb 2010 20:32

Hi Jeff, you could post an example of the path you start with and what you would like it to be converted to. May be then I or someone else can help you.

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