Hi All,
I have written if condition for my requirement but it is not working please assist me.
FOR /f "tokens=4*" %%a in (pcheck.txt) do
( set var = %%a)
IF %var% == "LISTENING"
echo Ecm is still running
else echo "Sending alarm"
I am getting following error:
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
If condition issue
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: If condition issue
hi redro,
This can't work, because a block has to begin at the same line (look at if /?)
The second problem is your compare %var%=="LISTENING", batch isn't a "normal" language with strings, variables and so.
It only expands something. So you will get(in the best case).
You can try this
redro wrote:FOR /f "tokens=4*" %%a in (pcheck.txt) do
( set var = %%a)
IF %var% == "LISTENING"
echo Ecm is still running
else echo "Sending alarm"
This can't work, because a block has to begin at the same line (look at if /?)
The second problem is your compare %var%=="LISTENING", batch isn't a "normal" language with strings, variables and so.
It only expands something. So you will get(in the best case).
Code: Select all
if Listening == "LISTENING"
You can try this
Code: Select all
set var=empty
FOR /f "tokens=4*" %%a in (pcheck.txt) do (
set var = %%a
IF "%var%"=="LISTENING" (
echo Ecm is still running
) else (
echo "Sending alarm"
Re: If condition issue
hi jeb,
i have modified my code with your suggestions but i am getting else condition. In my case server is running fine.
so we have to get server is running.
Please assist me.
i have modified my code with your suggestions but i am getting else condition. In my case server is running fine.
so we have to get server is running.
Please assist me.
Re: If condition issue
hi redo,
try to use some debugging code, to see what you read.
hope it helps
try to use some debugging code, to see what you read.
Code: Select all
set var=empty
FOR /f "tokens=4*" %%a in (pcheck.txt) do (
set var = %%a
echo read "%%a"
echo Comparing "%var%" with "LISTENING"
IF "%var%"=="LISTENING" (
echo Ecm is still running
) else (
echo "Sending alarm"
hope it helps
Re: If condition issue
Hi Jeb,
It is taking only empty value and passing condition two.
pcheck.txt consists of the following data, from that i am getting LISTENING word. If LISTENING is exists then the server is running else down then i have to soot a mail.
Please assist me.
It is taking only empty value and passing condition two.
pcheck.txt consists of the following data, from that i am getting LISTENING word. If LISTENING is exists then the server is running else down then i have to soot a mail.
Please assist me.
Re: If condition issue
and the next round begin
are different things, (first the name of the variable is "var" in the second case it is "var " (with one space).
so your code should look like

Code: Select all
set var=%%
set var = %%a
are different things, (first the name of the variable is "var" in the second case it is "var " (with one space).
so your code should look like
Code: Select all
@echo off
set var=empty
FOR /f "tokens=4*" %%a in (pcheck.txt) do (
set var=%%a
echo read "%%a"
echo Comparing "%var%" with "LISTENING"
IF "%var%"=="LISTENING" (
echo Ecm is still running
) else (
echo "Sending alarm"
Re: If condition issue
Hi Jeb
Sounds good , it is working.
Could you please assist me in "sending mail please i have to add the bellow code
@echo off & setlocal
:: set the temp file location
set tempmail=%temp%\tempmail.%random%.txt
:: echo the basic headers to the temp file
echo To: "Scripting Test" ^<praveen.pullela@sirvisetti.com^>, ^<prakash.redrouthu@sirvisetti.com^> > %tempmail%
echo From: "Me" ^<support@sirvisetti.com^> >> %tempmail%
echo Subject: CVG ESB Process DOWN >> %tempmail%
:: echo the blank line that separates the header from the body text
:: echo the body text to the temp file
echo ESB DOWN ON 9099 port PLS check>> %tempmail%
echo GOOD DAY.>> %tempmail%
:: move the temp file to the mail pickup directory
:: adjust this location for your system
move %tempmail% c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup
set tempmail=
Please suggest me how to handle this.
Sounds good , it is working.
Could you please assist me in "sending mail please i have to add the bellow code
@echo off & setlocal
:: set the temp file location
set tempmail=%temp%\tempmail.%random%.txt
:: echo the basic headers to the temp file
echo To: "Scripting Test" ^<praveen.pullela@sirvisetti.com^>, ^<prakash.redrouthu@sirvisetti.com^> > %tempmail%
echo From: "Me" ^<support@sirvisetti.com^> >> %tempmail%
echo Subject: CVG ESB Process DOWN >> %tempmail%
:: echo the blank line that separates the header from the body text
:: echo the body text to the temp file
echo ESB DOWN ON 9099 port PLS check>> %tempmail%
echo GOOD DAY.>> %tempmail%
:: move the temp file to the mail pickup directory
:: adjust this location for your system
move %tempmail% c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup
set tempmail=
Please suggest me how to handle this.
Re: If condition issue
Hi Jeb,
Now i am able to send mail if process is not running. how i have to make it as automate this script for when ever the server down then this script should be through the mail. and right now i am checking for one port with the command as
@ netstat -an |find /i "9095" >pcheck.txt
but actually i have to check 3 processes are running are not. Please don't hesitate me to assist.
Now i am able to send mail if process is not running. how i have to make it as automate this script for when ever the server down then this script should be through the mail. and right now i am checking for one port with the command as
@ netstat -an |find /i "9095" >pcheck.txt
but actually i have to check 3 processes are running are not. Please don't hesitate me to assist.