Batch to get file name
Moderator: DosItHelp
Batch to get file name
Hi everyone.
Firstable I'll like to say sorry by my awful English.
Involved elements:
External USB hard disk
Windows 2003 Server R2 standar edition
Windows XP Professional SP3
Filezilla Server 0.9.33 beta
Blat 2.6.2
Directory monitor
What I do:
I have external hard disk connected to W2003 a shared. From XP I have a mapped this hard disk using UNC and this unit is for store files that people upload to FTP server.
I need make a bat that when new file start upload make these actions:
1.-Get file name
2.-Get folder name
3.-Send a email with this data (file and folder name) using Blat
4.-When upload finished send email using Blat to inform that this file is ready to start download
I've done so far:
Using Directory monitor detect that a new file is start upload and call a bat that send me an email using Blat with Folder name in a subject.
This code works:
@echo off
cd folderexample
for %%* in (.) do set var=%%~n*
for /f %%a in ('time/t') do set vartime=%%a
set body=-body "Test|Hello World"
set subj=-s "Test. FTP.%var%. New Files. %vartime%"
set server=-server
set user=-u userexample
set pass= -pw passwordexample
C:\Bats\Blat\full\blat %0 -f %from% -b %to% %subj% %body% %server% %user% %pass%
Thanks in advance.
Firstable I'll like to say sorry by my awful English.
Involved elements:
External USB hard disk
Windows 2003 Server R2 standar edition
Windows XP Professional SP3
Filezilla Server 0.9.33 beta
Blat 2.6.2
Directory monitor
What I do:
I have external hard disk connected to W2003 a shared. From XP I have a mapped this hard disk using UNC and this unit is for store files that people upload to FTP server.
I need make a bat that when new file start upload make these actions:
1.-Get file name
2.-Get folder name
3.-Send a email with this data (file and folder name) using Blat
4.-When upload finished send email using Blat to inform that this file is ready to start download
I've done so far:
Using Directory monitor detect that a new file is start upload and call a bat that send me an email using Blat with Folder name in a subject.
This code works:
@echo off
cd folderexample
for %%* in (.) do set var=%%~n*
for /f %%a in ('time/t') do set vartime=%%a
set body=-body "Test|Hello World"
set subj=-s "Test. FTP.%var%. New Files. %vartime%"
set server=-server
set user=-u userexample
set pass= -pw passwordexample
C:\Bats\Blat\full\blat %0 -f %from% -b %to% %subj% %body% %server% %user% %pass%
Thanks in advance.
Re: Batch to get file name
I have no idea about this stuff. You wrote "Directory Monitor" is watching the folder for new files. OK I don't know this software. What is the interface that you could use between your batch process and the Directory Monitor process?
Re: Batch to get file name
Thanks for your reply aGerman.
No i didn't wrote "Directory Monitor". I just a normal user. I found this software in the web. This software has a option that when new file arrive to monitored folder you can launch a program in this case a ".bat".
No i didn't wrote "Directory Monitor". I just a normal user. I found this software in the web. This software has a option that when new file arrive to monitored folder you can launch a program in this case a ".bat".
Re: Batch to get file name
I'm sure batch is not the best for such things, but you could play with that.
First you should connect a volume (Z: for my example) with the server share where the files should be searched.
In subroutine :message you can do your blat stuff.
First you should connect a volume (Z: for my example) with the server share where the files should be searched.
Code: Select all
@echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('dir /a-d /b Z:\^|findstr /n .') do set /a n=%%a &set "old%%a=%%b"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a-d /b Z:\') do (
set "newName=%%a"
call :procFileName
goto :loop
set "found=0"
for /l %%a in (1,1,%n%) do (
set "oldName=!old%%a!"
if "!oldName!"=="!newName!" set "found=1"
if %found%==1 goto:eof
set /a n+=1
set "old!n!=!newName!"
call :message
goto :eof
:: *** your blat stuff here, file name is in !newName!
echo !newName!
goto :eof
In subroutine :message you can do your blat stuff.
Re: Batch to get file name
Just incredible!!
I see the code and i can't understand nothing but i try now and tell.
Thanks for your help aGerman.
The world make sense with people like you.
Just incredible!!
I see the code and i can't understand nothing but i try now and tell.
Thanks for your help aGerman.
The world make sense with people like you.
Re: Batch to get file name
I try you code and open a new command window black and nothing happens.
I think that the code come in to a loop.
I have Z mapped to the folders where i need search new files and i try with the bat in this location and the desktop but the result is the same black window.
Thanks again for your help aGerman.
I think that the code come in to a loop.
I have Z mapped to the folders where i need search new files and i try with the bat in this location and the desktop but the result is the same black window.
Thanks again for your help aGerman.
Re: Batch to get file name
Of course you will see a black window.
First it saves all found files to variables.
After that it loops again and again to compare each found file if it existed before.
Only if a new file is found it will echo the file name.
Note, batch is very slow. If you have hundreds of files into the folder it takes a long time before the new file is found.

First it saves all found files to variables.
After that it loops again and again to compare each found file if it existed before.
Only if a new file is found it will echo the file name.
Note, batch is very slow. If you have hundreds of files into the folder it takes a long time before the new file is found.
Re: Batch to get file name
Now I understand all.
I'll try with a few folders and tell you feedback.
Thanks one more time aGerman.
Now I understand all.
I'll try with a few folders and tell you feedback.
Thanks one more time aGerman.
Re: Batch to get file name
Its seems that works properly.
In 4 hours try again a tell.
Im so tired and need sleep al least 4 hours.
Have a nice dreams aGerman.
In 4 hours try again a tell.
Im so tired and need sleep al least 4 hours.
Have a nice dreams aGerman.