I am very new to using MS-DOS as a scripting language so please forgive my (hopefully) easy question. What I am trying to do is take all the files in a folder that are of the following specific format and rename the file slightly (add some periods to it). Below are the details
Input file format
Text with Spaces (01032011).avi
Output file format
Text with Spaces 01.03.2011.avi
"Modern Family (01032011).avi" is renamed to "Modern Family 01.03.2011.avi"
This will need to be done automatically i.e. a windows schedule task can run it every 30 minutes.
Thanks so much!!
Batch Renaming Script
Moderator: DosItHelp
- Posts: 319
- Joined: 12 May 2006 01:13
Re: Batch Renaming Script
download gawk for windows and do this
copy and paste the above in an editor and rename it to rename.awk, then on the command line
It is able to take care of the above situations. remove the comment (#) to do the actual rename.
Code: Select all
BEGIN{ q="\042" # double quote }
match ( $0 , /\([ \t]*[0-9]{8}[ \t]*\)/, a )
date = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
gsub(/\(|\)| /,"",date);
$0 = substr(o,0,RSTART-1) date substr(o,RSTART+RLENGTH)
cmd = "rename " q o q " " q $0 q
print cmd
# system(cmd) #remove the # to use this command
copy and paste the above in an editor and rename it to rename.awk, then on the command line
Code: Select all
C:\test>dir /B text*avi
Text with Spaces with many spaces ( 01032011 ).avi
Text with Spaces (rerun ) (01032011).avi
Text with Spaces(01032011).avi
C:\test>dir /B text*avi | awk --re-interval -f rename.awk
rename "Text with Spaces with many spaces ( 01032011 ).avi" "Text with Spaces with many spaces 01.03.2011.avi"
rename "Text with Spaces (rerun ) (01032011).avi" "Text with Spaces (rerun ) 01.03.2011.avi"
rename "Text with Spaces(01032011).avi" "Text with Spaces01.03.2011.avi"
It is able to take care of the above situations. remove the comment (#) to do the actual rename.
Last edited by ghostmachine4 on 06 Jan 2011 21:30, edited 2 times in total.
- Posts: 79
- Joined: 13 Dec 2010 10:32
Re: Batch Renaming Script
This will do it in batch. This assumes that you will not have a file named "Modern Familiy (rerun) (01032011).avi"
Code: Select all
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=()" %%a in ('dir /b /D C:\yourdir ^| findstr /r "([1234567890]*)\.avi\>"') do (
set string=%%b
REM echo !string!
REM echo !string:~0,2!.!string:~2,2!.!string:~4,4!
set fullstring=%%a !string:~0,2!.!string:~2,2!.!string:~4,4!.avi
set fullstring=!fullstring: = !
rename "C:\yourdir\%%a(%%b).avi" "!fullstring!"
- Posts: 319
- Joined: 12 May 2006 01:13
Re: Batch Renaming Script
ChickenSoup wrote: This assumes that you will not have a file named "Modern Familiy (rerun) (01032011).avi"
good point. now my code takes care of that.
- Posts: 319
- Joined: 12 May 2006 01:13
Re: Batch Renaming Script
ChickenSoup wrote:This will do it in batch. This assumes that you will not have a file named "Modern Familiy (rerun) (01032011).avi"Code: Select all
findstr /r "([1234567890]*)\.avi\
and it also assumes that there are no files like "Modern Family (0).avi"