Looking in my older code, I found a function called "SimpleFileToArray" that takes lines of text from a file and loads them in an array of variable
I just tested it and I think it might work for this.
Here is the function itself.
Code: Select all
::Usage Call :SimpleFileToArray OutputArray Filename
set /a "%~1.lbound=%%f"
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%a in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /N "^" "%~2"') do (
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=:" %%f in ("%%a") do set /a "%~1.ubound=%%f" & set %~1[%%f]=%%a
set /a "_SFTA_index=1"
call set /a "_SFTA_ubound=%%%~1.ubound%%"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set _SFTA_localscope=true
set %~1[%_SFTA_index%]=!%~1[%_SFTA_index%]:*:=!
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('set %~1[%_SFTA_index%] 2^>nul') do (
set %%a
if defined _SFTA_localscope endlocal & set %~1[%_SFTA_index%]=
set /a "_SFTA_index+=1"
if %_SFTA_index% LEQ %_SFTA_ubound% GoTo :SimpleFileToArray-loop
And here is what happens if I read the previous file
The problematic line 150 of :GetLabelRow, was as follows
Code: Select all
for /f delims^=:^ tokens^=1 %%a in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr /I /N "^:%~2" "%~1" ^| findstr /I /V "::%~2[a-zA-Z0-9\-\/\?\!\@\%%\$\#\^\*\)\{\}\[\]\:\_]"') do ( if "[%~3]" NEQ "[]" set "%~3=%%a" & exit /b %%a )
It became
Code: Select all
bfw[150]=for /f delims^=:^ tokens^=1 %%a in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr /I /N "^:%~2" "%~1" ^| findstr /I /V "::%~2[a-zA-Z0-9\-\/\?\!\@\%%\$\#\^\*\)\{\}\[\]\:\_]"') do ( if "[%~3]" NEQ "[]" set "%~3=%%a" & exit /b %%a )
Great, it's a match !
And looking at the larger function
It was :AppendFileLineToFile
Code: Select all
::Usage Call :AppendFileLineToFile inputfile outputfile 3 4 50-75 5 6 7 ... N
set "_AppendFileLineToFile_prefix=_AFLTF"
set "_AFLTF_InputFile=%~1"
set "_AFLTF_OutputFile=%~2"
for /f "delims=- tokens=1,2" %%a in ("%~3") do ( set "_AFLTF_Start=%%a" & set "_AFLTF_Stop=%%b" )
if not defined _AFLTF_Stop set /a _AFLTF_Stop=%_AFLTF_Start%
Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if %_AFLTF_Start% GTR 1 set /a "_AFLTF_skip=%_AFLTF_Start%-1"
if %_AFLTF_Start% GTR 1 ( set "_AFLTF_skip=skip^=%_AFLTF_skip%^" ) else ( set "_AFLTF_skip=" )
for /f %_AFLTF_skip% delims^=^ eol^= %%a in (' ^( type "%_AFLTF_InputFile%" ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr /N /R /C:".*" ^) 2^>nul ') do (
for /f "delims=:" %%f in ("%%a") do if %%f GTR %_AFLTF_Stop% GoTo :AppendFileLineToFile-end
set _AFLTF_buffer=%%a
if defined _AFLTF_buffer >>"%_AFLTF_OutputFile%" echo(!_AFLTF_buffer:*:=!
if "[%~4]" NEQ "[]" ( shift & GoTo :AppendFileLineToFile-arg )
Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix %_AppendFileLineToFile_prefix% _AppendFileLineToFile_prefix & GoTo :EOF
And in the array it is
Code: Select all
bfw[283]=::Usage Call :AppendFileLineToFile inputfile outputfile 3 4 50-75 5 6 7 ... N
bfw[285]=set "_AppendFileLineToFile_prefix=_AFLTF"
bfw[286]=set "_AFLTF_InputFile=%~1"
bfw[287]=set "_AFLTF_OutputFile=%~2"
bfw[289]=for /f "delims=- tokens=1,2" %%a in ("%~3") do ( set "_AFLTF_Start=%%a" & set "_AFLTF_Stop=%%b" )
bfw[290]=if not defined _AFLTF_Stop set /a _AFLTF_Stop=%_AFLTF_Start%
bfw[291]=Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
bfw[292]=if %_AFLTF_Start% GTR 1 set /a "_AFLTF_skip=%_AFLTF_Start%-1"
bfw[293]=if %_AFLTF_Start% GTR 1 ( set "_AFLTF_skip=skip^=%_AFLTF_skip%^" ) else ( set "_AFLTF_skip=" )
bfw[294]=for /f %_AFLTF_skip% delims^=^ eol^= %%a in (' ^( type "%_AFLTF_InputFile%" ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr /N /R /C:".*" ^) 2^>nul ') do (
bfw[295]= for /f "delims=:" %%f in ("%%a") do if %%f GTR %_AFLTF_Stop% GoTo :AppendFileLineToFile-end
bfw[296]= set _AFLTF_buffer=%%a
bfw[297]= if defined _AFLTF_buffer >>"%_AFLTF_OutputFile%" echo(!_AFLTF_buffer:*:=!
bfw[298]= )
bfw[301]=if "[%~4]" NEQ "[]" ( shift & GoTo :AppendFileLineToFile-arg )
bfw[302]=Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix %_AppendFileLineToFile_prefix% _AppendFileLineToFile_prefix & GoTo :EOF
Well, that also looks the same !
I guess now what I need is "ArrayToFile"
I did find something I wrote earlier, but it looks .. too simple
Code: Select all
:ArrayToFile byref InputArray OutputFile
Call :GetArrayParameters %~1 _ArrayToFile_input "" 0
set _ArrayToFile_input
call echo %%%_ArrayToFile_input%[%_ArrayToFile_input.index%]%%>>%~2
set /a _ArrayToFile_input.index+=1
if %_ArrayToFile_input.index% leq %_ArrayToFile_input.ubound% GoTo :ArrayToFile-loop
::Usage Call :GetArrayParameters InputArray ParameterVariable optional Initialize optional StartIndex=0
call set _GetArrayParameters.lbound=%%%~1.lbound%%
call set _GetArrayParameters.ubound=%%%~1.ubound%%
call set _GetArrayParameters.count=%%%~1.count%%
call set _GetArrayParameters.index=%%%~1.index%%
if "[%~3]"=="[Initialize]" (
if "[%_GetArrayParameters.lbound%]"=="[]" set /a _GetArrayParameters.lbound=0
if "[%_GetArrayParameters.ubound%]"=="[]" set /a _GetArrayParameters.ubound=-1
if "[%_GetArrayParameters.count%]"=="[]" set /a _GetArrayParameters.count=%_GetArrayParameters.ubound%-%_GetArrayParameters.lbound%+1 2>nul
if "[%_GetArrayParameters.index%]"=="[]" if "[%~4]"=="[]" set /a "_GetArrayParameters.index=0"
) else (
if "[%_GetArrayParameters.lbound%]"=="[]" set "_GetArrayParameters_bounds_incomplete=true" & set "_GetArrayParameters_lbound_empty=true"
if "[%_GetArrayParameters.ubound%]"=="[]" set "_GetArrayParameters_bounds_incomplete=true" & set "_GetArrayParameters_ubound_empty=true"
if "[%_GetArrayParameters_bounds_incomplete%]"=="[true]" Call :FindArrayBounds %%%~1%% _GetArrayParameters_bounds_incomplete
if "[%_GetArrayParameters_lbound_empty%]"=="[true]" set "_GetArrayParameters.lbound=%_GetArrayParameters_bounds_incomplete.lbound%"
if "[%_GetArrayParameters_ubound_empty%]"=="[true]" set "_GetArrayParameters.ubound=%_GetArrayParameters_bounds_incomplete.ubound%"
if "[%_GetArrayParameters.count%]"=="[]" set /a _GetArrayParameters.count=%_GetArrayParameters.ubound%-%_GetArrayParameters.lbound%+1 2>nul
if "[%~4]" NEQ "[]" ( set /a "_GetArrayParameters.index=%~4" 2>nul )
set _GetArrayParameters.name=%~1
set "%~2.lbound=%_GetArrayParameters.lbound%"
set "%~2.ubound=%_GetArrayParameters.ubound%"
set "%~2.count=%_GetArrayParameters.count%"
set "%~2.index=%_GetArrayParameters.index%"
if "[%_GetArrayParameters.name%]" NEQ "" set "%~2=%_GetArrayParameters.name%"
Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _GetArrayParameters & if "[%_GetArrayParameters.ubound%]"=="[]" ( exit /b 1 ) else ( exit /b 0 )
I gave it a shot anyway
- cmd_gBmUBTRATs.png (20.65 KiB) Viewed 14256 times
Unfortunately, :GetLabelRow didn't make it
Code: Select all
::Usage Call :GetLabelRow BatchFile FunctionName optional OutputRow
exit /b 0
Looking at :AppendFileLineToFile, it is also mangled, but differently
Code: Select all
ECHO is off.
::Usage Call :AppendFileLineToFile inputfile outputfile 3 4 50-75 5 6 7 ... N
set "_AppendFileLineToFile_prefix=_AFLTF"
set "_AFLTF_InputFile=%~1"
set "_AFLTF_OutputFile=%~2"
if not defined _AFLTF_Stop set /a _AFLTF_Stop=%_AFLTF_Start%
Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if %_AFLTF_Start% GTR 1 set /a "_AFLTF_skip=%_AFLTF_Start%-1"
if %_AFLTF_Start% GTR 1 ( set "_AFLTF_skip=skip^=%_AFLTF_skip%^" ) else ( set "_AFLTF_skip=" )
for /f %_AFLTF_skip% delims= eol= %%a in (' ( type "%_AFLTF_InputFile%" | %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr /N /R /C:".*" ) 2>nul ') do (
for /f "delims=:" %%f in ("%%a") do if %%f GTR %_AFLTF_Stop% GoTo :AppendFileLineToFile-end
set _AFLTF_buffer=%%a
if defined _AFLTF_buffer echo(!_AFLTF_buffer:*:=!
ECHO is off.
Everywhere there was an empty line, now says ECHO is off.
Also the 343 line original, is now 286 lines :\
Here is the whole thing