I found some time to dig a little deeper ...
As much as I agree with Arthur Clarke, things are often not that obvious. Especially in highly abstracted languages where you don't know how much complexity is hidden in the implementation of a simple command such like REM, where we already know that it isn't a NOP. I remember jeb explaining that REM can't ever be a NOP as long as it must evaluate at least the next token (the reason why REM /? prints the help message), and with ECHO turned ON you'll even see variables being expanded etc. So, shorten the batch code may or may not lead to a better performance as it is heavily influenced by the performance of the implementation behind the scenes. We have no better choice than testing ...
Code: Select all
@echo off
for /f %%! in ("! ^! ^^^!") do ^
set timediff=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 for /f "tokens=2" %%$ in ("%%!%%! 1 0") do ((if 1==%%$ setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion)^&for /f "tokens=1-3" %%- in ("%%!_i_%%!") do (set "_t1_=%%!%%~-: =0%%!"^&set "_t2_=%%!%%~.: =0%%!"^&^
%=% set /a "_d_=(8640000+(((1%%!_t2_:~,2%%!*60+1%%!_t2_:~3,2%%!)*60+1%%!_t2_:~6,2%%!-366100)*100+1%%!_t2_:~-2%%!-100)-(((1%%!_t1_:~,2%%!*60+1%%!_t1_:~3,2%%!)*60+1%%!_t1_:~6,2%%!-366100)*100+1%%!_t1_:~-2%%!-100))%%8640000,_o_=100000000+(_d_%%100),_d_/=100,_o_+=(_d_%%60)*100,_d_/=60,_o_+=(_d_%%60)*10000+_d_/60*1000000"^&^
%=% set "_o_=%%!_o_:~1,2%%!:%%!_o_:~3,2%%!:%%!_o_:~5,2%%!.%%!_o_:~-2%%!"^&for /f %%' in ("%%!_o_%%!") do ((if 1==%%$ endlocal)^&if "%%~/"=="" (echo %%') else set "%%~/=%%'"))) else set _i_=
(set \n=^^^
%= these lines create an escaped line feed, do not alter =%
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
echo delayed expansion
echo disabled ^| enabled
echo ------------+------------
:: uses FOR as condition to call SETLOCAL/ENDLOCAL, close to jeb's original approach
:: with SETLOCAL in the ELSE branch, FOR is apparently slower than IF for this purpose (see 4 and 5)
<nul set /p "=1. "
for /f %%! in ("! ^! ^^^!") do ^
set ThisMacro=for /f "tokens=2" %%E in ("%%!%%! D """) do for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (%\n%
rem %%!Args_ThisMacro:~1%%!%\n%
for %%E in (%%~E) do endlocal%\n%
) else (for %%E in (%%~E) do setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion)^&set Args_ThisMacro=
call :check
:: having SETLOCAL/ENDLOCAL expanded from the tokens is quick, but the REM commands
:: decelerate the execution if delayed expansion is already enabled
<nul set /p "=2. "
for /f %%! in ("! ^! ^^^!") do ^
set ThisMacro=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 for /f "tokens=2-4" %%1 in ("%%!%%! setlocal rem endlocal rem") do (%\n%
%%1 EnableDelayedExpansion%\n%
rem %%!Args_ThisMacro:~1%%!%\n%
) else set Args_ThisMacro=
call :check
:: even empty tokens prefixing SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL seem to reduce the performance,
:: REM does it anyway
:: you may still like this in terms of readability, however it isn't my first choice
<nul set /p "=3. "
for /f %%! in ("! ^! ^^^!") do ^
set ThisMacro=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 for /f "tokens=2" %%? in ("%%!%%! "" rem=") do (%\n%
%%~?setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion%\n%
rem %%!Args_ThisMacro:~1%%!%\n%
) else set Args_ThisMacro=
call :check
:: using IF is a little slower than the direct expansion of tokens (as in 2), however
:: the IF condition is the fastest option when delayed expansion is already enabled
<nul set /p "=4. "
for /f %%! in ("! ^! ^^^!") do ^
set ThisMacro=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 for /f "tokens=2" %%1 in ("%%!%%! 1 0") do (%\n%
if 1==%%1 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion%\n%
rem %%!Args_ThisMacro:~1%%!%\n%
if 1==%%1 endlocal%\n%
) else set Args_ThisMacro=
call :check
:: just like 4, but with SETLOCAL in the ELSE branch as in 1
:: 4 and 5 perform the same in terms of speed
<nul set /p "=5. "
for /f %%! in ("! ^! ^^^!") do ^
set ThisMacro=for /f "tokens=2" %%1 in ("%%!%%! 1 0") do for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (%\n%
rem %%!Args_ThisMacro:~1%%!%\n%
if 1==%%1 endlocal%\n%
) else (if 1==%%1 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion)^&set Args_ThisMacro=
call :check
goto :eof
set "t1=%time%"
for /l %%i in (0 1 20000) do %ThisMacro% X
set "t2=%time%"
if "!!"=="" (
%timediff% t1 t2
goto :eof
%timediff% t1 t2 diff
<nul set /p "=%diff% | "
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
call :check
goto :eof
Typical result:
Code: Select all
delayed expansion
disabled | enabled
1. 00:00:11.73 | 00:00:02.74
2. 00:00:09.83 | 00:00:04.25
3. 00:00:10.51 | 00:00:05.09
4. 00:00:10.17 | 00:00:02.23
5. 00:00:10.14 | 00:00:02.24
See code comments for more information.
I'm inclined to prefer 5 even if 4 makes it a little clearer that we can no longer rely on pre-existing variables being guarded by SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL in the macro code. However, 5 might be still better for people who are fully aware of this issue. They can use it carelessly in an environment where delayed expansion is disabled, or place the call in a subenvironment with delayed expansion enabled, where the macro code is executed repeatedly. Users need to be careful not to conflict variable names then, which applies to all of these design patterns anyway.
In every test macro I only have a REM line representing the code dedicated to a specific purpose. REM is used to strengthen the influence of the design pattern that wraps it. In the real world, though, the importance of the design could be greatly overshadowed by the time the dedicated code takes.