Also, escape sequences can sometimes be problematic.
Also, the code depends on having write access to the current directory, and will overwrite any existing "x" file.
I've come up with a variant of jeb's code that I think truly can handle any printable character sequence. It uses the %temp% directory, and it has 2 versions. One for a string literal, and another for a string variable. The string variable eliminates issues with escape sequences.
The only remaining limitation I am aware of is the fact that it does not handle line wrapping well, because the backspace does not work over a line break. So if the console width is 80 characters, then a string length between 74 and 79 will not print properly.
edit - Also added optional 3rd argument /N to append newline to output using ECHO(
Code: Select all
@echo off
call :initColorPrint
call :colorPrint 0a "a"
call :colorPrint 0b "b"
set "txt=^" & call :colorPrintVar 0c txt
call :colorPrint 0d "<"
call :colorPrint 0e ">"
call :colorPrint 0f "&"
call :colorPrint 1a "|"
call :colorPrint 1b " "
call :colorPrint 1c "%%%%"
call :colorPrint 1d ^"""
call :colorPrint 1e "*"
call :colorPrint 1f "?"
call :colorPrint 2a "!"
call :colorPrint 2b "."
call :colorPrint 2c ".."
call :colorPrint 2d "/"
call :colorPrint 2e "\"
call :colorPrint 2f "q:" /n
set complex="c:\hello world!/.\..\\a//^<%%>&|!" /^^^<%%^>^&^|!\
call :colorPrintVar 74 complex /n
call :cleanupColorPrint
exit /b
:colorPrint Color Str [/n]
set "str=%~2"
call :colorPrintVar %1 str %3
exit /b
:colorPrintVar Color StrVar [/n]
if not defined %~2 exit /b
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=a%DEL%!%~2:\=a%DEL%\..\%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%!"
set "str=!str:/=a%DEL%/..\%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%!"
set "str=!str:"=\"!"
pushd "%temp%"
findstr /p /A:%1 "." "!str!\..\x" nul
if /i "%~3"=="/n" echo(
exit /b
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "DEL=%%a"
<nul >"%temp%\x" set /p "=%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%.%DEL%"
exit /b
del "%temp%\x"
exit /b
Dave Benham