I tested a Password Using All This :
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = \ / | > < ? ~ , . ' " : ] [ } { ;
as a first Character in a password & The result was:
! ^ & ) | > < " ;
didn't work work in the test, and the rest worked without the need to escape them
And Only
! ^ & ) | > <
worked after adding "^" before it.
The rest
" ;
couldn't escape it so don't put it in a password.
So, in your case, IF your password has any of these Charachters:
! ^ & ) | > <
Add before it "^" in the "FTP.set", I tested on my FTP server and it worked.
Here is the output of the FTP window after logging in and downloading the 2 7z files:
ftp> open ftp.drivehq.com
User (ftp.drivehq.com:(none)):
ftp> lcd "C:\documents and settings\admin\desktop\1234"
Local directory now C:\documents and settings\admin\desktop\1234.
ftp> get "1.7z"
ftp> get "2.7z"
ftp> disconnect
ftp> Bye
and the password I used was "^storage" ( without the double quotes )