Automatic typing for credits - ghost typing

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Re: batch scipt for credit section..

#16 Post by foxidrive » 15 Jan 2016 08:23

foxidrive wrote:Nice work ShadowThief.

I would rephrase this passage though, as it seems a little odd and inaccurate.

Code: Select all

:: Ordinarily, variables get replaced with their value before the batch script is run.

In case I wasn't clear - it's describing that all variables are fixed and immutable when a batch file is run.

If that were the case then this would not work:
It seems to me like it would confuse the beginners.

Code: Select all

set num=10
set /a num+=1
echo %num%

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Re: Automatic typing for credits - ghost typing

#17 Post by ShadowThief » 15 Jan 2016 19:01

Yeah, I'm trying to explain it without using the word "expanded" because people new to batch probably won't understand that term (or at least, I didn't at first).

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