©opy[it]®ight wrote: (reading this, Squashman?).
Reading your own threads was not the point I was making with my comment above.
Moderator: DosItHelp
©opy[it]®ight wrote: (reading this, Squashman?).
Thanks, but you can be sure it won't.©opy[it]®ight wrote:I hope this stuff didn't keep you from sleeping?
There are more ('^'. '.', '\<', '\>' ), and i cheated with the dot ('.') character (actually accepts any character at the position the dot holds):©opy[it]®ight wrote:Does this escape all known (to-be-escaped) characters or is there more to it?
penpen wrote:I also have tricked when escaping the asterisk ('*') to be able to replace it in strings easily.
Code: Select all
@echo off
:: desired search string "1*2"
set "string=1^*2"
echo %string:^*=\*%