einstein1969 wrote:Nice work Antonio!
If you need to debug you can use [url]
I have probed but there are some problem on some lines and the color should be adjusted
I have tried some years ago on ubuntu this is a snapshot of an user that developed a color adjust.
For the vt100 emulator (in real time, not file input) have you some suggestion?
The link to the US-SLURG.ANS file fail because timeout. I tried to browse the sixteencolors.net site, but it is too slow and there are not indications of the type of file shown. Could you post here the US-SLURG.ANS file? I think it is not very large.
There is a complete Ansi driver for Windows; it is called ANSICON and you may download it from this site: "ANSICON provides ANSI escape sequences for Windows console programs. It provides much the same functionality as ANSI.SYS does for MS-DOS."
EDIT: This is the direct link to the site to download ANSICON: http://adoxa.altervista.org/ansicon/