Fixed Width Text file

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Re: Fixed Width Text file

#16 Post by dbenham » 16 Aug 2015 05:59

Here is a looooong "one liner" (with line continuation) that uses JREPL.BAT - a hybrid JScript/batch regular expression text processing utility.

Code: Select all

@call jrepl ^
  /jbeg "var sp='                                        ';function p(str,len) {return (str+sp).slice(0,len);}"^
  /jbegln "skip=(ln==1)" /jmatch /f "test.txt" /o "out.txt"

The JREPL solution requires a user supplied function to right pad a string. I really should add some form built in rpad() to the utility.

It is a bit of a pain to hand construct the search and replace strings. Below is an equivalent version that uses batch to build the search and replace strings from a list of field widths. Also, most of the arguments are supplied as variables so the JREPL call is not so ungainly.

Code: Select all

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

:: Define the field widths
set "widths=2,15,19,4,38,35,13,15,2,10"

:: Define the input and output files. Use "-" for output if you want to overwrite the original file.
set "in=test.txt"
set "out=out.txt"

:: Define a function to right pad a string to a given length (this implementation supports up to length 40)
set "beg=var sp='                                        ';function p(str,len) {return (str+sp).slice(0,len);}"

:: Skip the first line
set "begln=skip=(ln==1)"

:: Prepare the search and replace strings
set "find=^"
set "repl="
set "n=1"
for %%N in (%widths%) do (
  set "find=!find!(.*?)\t+"
  set "repl=!repl!p($!n!,%%N)+"
  set /a n+=1
set "find=!find:~0,-5!)"
set "repl=!repl:~0,-1!"

:: Perform the search and replace
call jrepl find repl /v /jmatch /jbeg beg /jbegln begln /f "%in%" /o "%out%"

Dave Benham

Posts: 68
Joined: 16 Oct 2013 23:19

Re: Fixed Width Text file

#17 Post by zagix » 19 Aug 2015 22:18


Sorry for delay reply.
Thanks Dave Benham your codes are working as per requirements.

Right now the out file(result file) output is single line it does not copy the first line header from test file and result produce single line from test file 2nd line to out file.

:: Define a function to right pad a string to a given length (this implementation supports up to length 40)

Is there a way to increase the length from 40 to 100.

Many thanks.

Posts: 4487
Joined: 23 Dec 2011 13:59

Re: Fixed Width Text file

#18 Post by Squashman » 20 Aug 2015 09:10

zagix wrote:Is there a way to increase the length from 40 to 100.

Hint: How many spaces do you see there?

Code: Select all

:: Define a function to right pad a string to a given length (this implementation supports up to length 40)
set "beg=var sp='                                        ';function p(str,len) {return (str+sp).slice(0,len);}"

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