Ed Dyreen wrote:@alan_bI respect your capability,
but for me to use these double colon tricks would be venturing beyond my capabilities,
and I would fall flat on my face.
Is this ironic
No. Not ironic.
At one time I much preferred :: instead of REM because the information in the comment was more visible:-
4 little spots was far less obtrusive than the solid lines which formed 3 separate letters ;
4 little spots disabled all subsequent code - I once found that REM failed.
Not sure now, I think it might have been a code of the form
REM DIR FILE >> text.txt
and the DIR command was disabled by REM but a blank line was appended to text.txt.
Or it could have been the other way round ! !
BUT then I was tripped up by parentheses failing when they contained double colons or a label,
so I am perhaps over sensitive to the dangers of colons within parentheses.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Maybe, well I won't speak to you then
I thought it was self evident I was NOT implying that you were a fool,
but carefully explaining that I would make foolish mistakes if I tried these tricks.
I appreciate Jeb's link to an explanation, especially his final post where he stated
"Ok, the last one is really hardcore (It costs me some hours to develop it)." and
"But why the second sample only takes the "THIS_TOKEN_IS_IGNORED" ? And if I change the ":comment" with something other like "echo", both versions works the same way "
There is no way that I could be successful in utilising that information.
Ed, I appreciate clever tricks at which you excel,
but prefer to avoid wasting time trying to understand obfuscated code that is doing nothing.
It may be good training but if someone needs help to achieve an end result the simplest is the best.
Give them a simple solution that can be understood and when they see that what they asked for is NOT exactly what they really need,
then they may be able to fix the code to do what they want for themselves instead of passively coming back for an expert redo on what is way beyond their capabilities.