hi Endoro,
I think there was a miscommunication at that time as i was not able to get the results on screen, so really didnt know how the result looked.
The earlier code was supposed to work with Local drives and not network drives, hence finding it difficult to write the line in your current code which adds the ID column.
i think i understand that this code is creating variables in memory OR Screen,
Code: Select all
for /f "usebackq tokens=1" %%i in ("%ClassID_ID_List%") do (for %%f in ("%%i_*") do set /a %%~xf=%%~xf + 1 2>nul)
which is then parsed accordingly by the following generated prompts,
Code: Select all
((for /f "delims==." %%i in ('set "."') do <nul set /p"=%%i%CSVdelim%")&echo(
(for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('set "."') do <nul set /p"=%%i%CSVdelim%")&echo(
to give the following:
i think
gives access to those variables on screen or memory.
so i think the code
Code: Select all
for /f "usebackq tokens=1" %%i in ("%ClassID_ID_List%") do (for %%f in ("%%i_*") do set /a %%~xf=%%~xf + 1 2>nul)
needs to be modified as it does not display the ID's for the remaining code to parse. But How?