HASHSUM.BAT v1.8 - emulate md5sum, shasum, and the like

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#61 Post by raywood » 06 Dec 2021 15:56

As reported in https://www.computerhope.com/forum/inde ... msg1012596:

I ran similar hash commands in Linux and Windows, using rhash and hashsum respectively on the same test folder. While rhash produced results for all files, I found that hashsum seemed to ignore about 1% of files. There did not seem to be a single reason. In some cases, I saw that the excluded files contained atypical characters in their names, notably an em dash (—). But that was not the only explanation. Other ignored files included a simple text file named x.txt, having no weird characters in either filename or contents, and .wav files with normal titles and no textual contents.

While hashsum was running, it produced a number of warnings reading simply, "0 was unexpected at this time." Those messages did not state which file they were referring to. Possibly they provide some insight into why hashsum was unwilling or unable to produce hashes for a number of files that posed no apparent problem for rhash.

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Re: HASHSUM.BAT v1.8 - emulate md5sum, shasum, and the like

#62 Post by Squashman » 06 Dec 2021 20:54

Well if you saved the hash sums to a file it should have the file paths and names. Easy enough to compare your folder structure to that list to see which files it did not create a hash sum for.

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