I am trying to generate a list of complete path names to directories whose content has been modified after a specific date/time stamp. I am currently using dir /b /o:n /a:d /t:w \\%1\*.* to generate a list of folder names.
My questions:
1 - How do I restrict the list to folders with content modified after a certain date/time?
2 - How do I eliminate folders from the list that end with a specific character?
3 - How do I add the complete path to the directory name.
directory command output
Moderator: DosItHelp
Hi Hank,
Look at :checkForValidName, first I copy the first parameter to a local var.
And on the local var I use the string manipulation function %var:~-3% (not possible on a parameter like %1).
On a parameter you can use %~f1 or here %%~fa (full help at for /?), to expand the name to a full pathname.
A bit more difficult, but depends on the specific problem you want to solve.
I use a solution for comparing two file dateTimes for updating the "object" files if they are older (like make).
But perhaps you need some other solution.
Please post your special problem.
2 - How do I eliminate folders from the list that end with a specific character?
Look at :checkForValidName, first I copy the first parameter to a local var.
And on the local var I use the string manipulation function %var:~-3% (not possible on a parameter like %1).
3 - How do I add the complete path to the directory name.
On a parameter you can use %~f1 or here %%~fa (full help at for /?), to expand the name to a full pathname.
1 - How do I restrict the list to folders with content modified after a certain date/time?
A bit more difficult, but depends on the specific problem you want to solve.
I use a solution for comparing two file dateTimes for updating the "object" files if they are older (like make).
But perhaps you need some other solution.
Please post your special problem.
Code: Select all
@echo off
set dateTime="23.12.2007 23:55"
rem *** Iterate through all directories
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%a IN ('dir /b /o:n /a:d /t:w *.*') DO (
call :checkForValidName "%%~a" result
echo ValidName=!result! --- %%a
if !result!==1 (
call :checkForModifications "%%~fa" %dateTime% modified
goto :eof
:checkForValidName "<name>" <resultVar>
rem *** copy to local var for processing
set checkForValidName.tmp=%~1
rem *** Check the last 3 characters for the string "obj"
if "%checkForValidName.tmp:~-3%" EQU "obj" (
set checkForValidName.result=0
) ELSE (
set checkForValidName.result=1
rem *** set the result and return
set %~2=%checkForValidName.result%
goto :eof
:checkForModifications "<path>" <DateTime> <resultVar>
echo checkForModifications %1
REM *** ToDo: some usefull code
rem *** Dummy, returns always 0
set %~3=0
goto :eof
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 19 Nov 2007 08:41
Hi Hank,
I changed :checkForModifications a bit
and adding some comments, it should work for it.
I suppose, your system use german date/time format, if not you have
to change this line, so it fits to your format.
greetings from nrw
I changed :checkForModifications a bit
and adding some comments, it should work for it.
Code: Select all
@echo off
REM **** Format "YYYYMMDD"
set dateTime=20070719
rem *** Iterate through all directories
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%a IN ('dir /b /o:n /a:d /t:w *.*') DO (
call :checkForValidName "%%~a" result
rem *** echo ValidName=!result! --- %%a
if !result!==1 (
call :checkForModifications "%%~fa" "%dateTime%" modified
if !modified! EQU 1 ECHO One or more files in "%%~a" are modified
goto :eof
:checkForValidName "<name>" <resultVar>
rem *** copy to local var for processing
set checkForValidName.tmp=%~1
rem *** Check the last character for the string "$"
if "%checkForValidName.tmp:~-1%" EQU "$" (
set checkForValidName.result=0
) ELSE (
set checkForValidName.result=1
rem *** set the result and return
set %~2=%checkForValidName.result%
goto :eof
:checkForModifications "<path>" <Date> <resultVar>
:: checks all files in a directory if one or more are newer than <date>
:: FileDate (%%~tf) expected in German/normal format TT.MM.JJJJ
:: resultVar is 0, when no modifications found after <Date>, else it will set to 1
rem echo - checkForModifications %1
set modified=0
rem *** Iterate through all files in <path>
FOR %%f IN ("%~1\*.*") DO (
rem echo - check file:%%f with dateTime:%%~tf
rem *** Split the date from the rest
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=. " %%a IN ("%%~tf") DO (
REM *** Format date to a form "YYYYMMDD" so it can compare
set fileDate=%%c%%b%%a
rem echo - !fileDate! %~2
IF "!fileDate!" GTR "%~2" (
set modified=1
rem echo modifications(!modified!) in %1
rem *** Move the result to <resultVar>
set %~3=%modified%
goto :eof
I suppose, your system use german date/time format, if not you have
to change this line, so it fits to your format.
Code: Select all
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=. " %%a IN ("%%~tf")
greetings from nrw