@echo off
rem set errorlevel to o
echo ----------------
echo -- if tests --
echo ---------------
echo --if "a" equ "b"
echo pipe|if "a" equ "b" more
echo --if "a" equ "b"
echo pipe|if "a" equ "a" more
echo --if errorlevel 0
echo pipe|if errorlevel 0 more
echo --if errorlevel #
echo pipe|if errorlevel # more
echo --if errorlevel 0 break
echo pipe|if errorlevel 0 rem
echo --if exist c:\
echo pipe|if exist c:\ more
echo ----------------
echo -- rem tests --
echo ---------------
echo -- rem
echo pipe| rem
rem these two exist the script
rem echo -- (rem)
rem echo pipe| (call rem)& more
rem echo --call rem & more
rem echo pipe| call rem & more
echo -----------------
echo -- for tests ---
echo -----------------
echo --for /l
echo pipe|for /l %%t in (1,1,2) do more
echo --"for /f %%t in ('echo nopipe') do more"
echo pipe|for /f %%t in ('echo nopipe') do more
echo --"for /f %%t in ('more') do echo %%t"
echo pipe|for /f %%t in ('more') do echo %%t
echo --"for /f %%t in ('more^|') do more"
echo pipe|for /f %%t in ('more^|') do (echo %%t)
0. FOR is disappointing well behaving
1. REM breaks the script I have nothing to do with this
2.Take a look at IF errors (hint - with no pipe these errors should be printed only in case of comprison with wrong syntax)
Well I suppose the tiny hint above is not enough. IF is a little bit different when it comes to comparisons and other operations.So:
2.1 When something is piped to IF ERRORLEVEL / IF EXIST / IF CMDEXTVERSION / IF DEFINED the
(here starts the second list with slash delimited words) ERRORLEVEL/EXIST/CMDEXTVERSION/DEFINED are ignored and IF is forced to do a non working comparison with preserved pipe (and == comparison does not work )
Code: Select all
echo --if errorlevel "b" neq "b" more
echo pipe| if errorlevel "b" neq "b" more
echo --if errorlevel "b" neq "b" more
echo pipe| if errorlevel "b" neq "b" more
2.2 When something is piped to IF "a" equ/neq/.. "a" the IF wants two comparison commands and none of both works (and == is working )
Code: Select all
@echo off
echo --if errorlevel "b" neq "b" more
echo pipe| if errorlevel "b" neq "b" more
echo --if errorlevel "b" neq "b" more
echo pipe| if errorlevel "b" neq "b" more
echo --if "z" equ equ "b" more
echo pipe|if "z" equ equ "b" more
echo --if "z" equ neq "b" more
echo pipe|if "z" equ neq "b" more
echo --if "z"=="b" more
echo pipe|if "z"=="b" echo pipe
echo --if "b"=="b" more
echo pipe|if "b"=="b" echo pipe2
echo --if "b"=="b" more
echo pipe|if "b"=="b" more
I'm scandalized !!! And excited

Is this known behavior?
Of course I'm going to make more tests about comparisons , but wanted to share this so much