I'm new on this forum and glad to have found like this. Got problem on my batch file with 11 parameters.
My text file has 11 columns delimited by comma. When I echo the batch file it does not give me the correct result
especially on the 10th and 11th column. Here is my code:
Code: Select all
for /F "tokens=1-11 delims=," %%a in (new_acct_8.txt) do call :process %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f %%g %%h %%i %%j %%k(
set acct_id=%1
set acct_name=%2
set acct_abbr=%3
set dual_curr=%4
set att_code1=%5
set att_code2=%6
set att_code3=%7
set att_code4=%8
set att_code5=%9
set att_code6=%10
set att_code7=%11
rem call another batch file here to pass the above variables
rem call csi file
rem below line is to view the content of new_acct_8.txt
echo. %acct_id% %acct_name% %acct_abbr% %dual_curr% %att_code1% %att_code2% %att_code3% %att_code4% %att_code5% %att_code6% %att_code7% >>result.txt
Thanks for the help.