I am practicing for GRE and like to memorize/review few GRE words every hour or so for the verbal ability test.
I want to write a batchfile called select.bat that selects 'n' lines from source.txt and writes the 'n' lines in a new file with a random filename. Then, the 'n' lines are removed from the top of source.txt and appended to the bottom of source.txt.
For example, if I use "select.bat 16" I would like my batch file to select the top 16 lines from source.txt into a 'random_name.txt' or 'yyyymmdd-hhmmss.txt' Then, my source.txt should have the top 16 lines removed and stuck to the bottom (as in a computer science "queue.")
Could you please help with such a batch file? Thanks, thank you very much.
Batchfile to create small file of first few lines
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Batchfile to create small file of first few lines
This is untested:
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "N=%~1"
if not defined N echo Usage: %~NX0 numLines & goto :EOF
rem Get the name of random file
set "rand=%random%"
rem Read lines from source.txt file
< source.txt (
rem Read the top N lines and write they into File%random%.txt
(for /L %%i in (1,1,%N%) do (
set "line="
set /P line=
)) > File%rand%.txt
rem Copy the rest of lines into source.new
findstr "^" > source.new
rem Add the extracted (first N) lines and append they to bottom of source.new
type File%rand%.txt >> source.new
rem Remove old source.txt and place source.new in its place
move /Y source.new source.txt