Code: Select all
@echo off
color a
echo *************************************
echo * *
echo * Welcome to SUD! *
echo * 1. Start *
echo * 2. Color Options *
echo * 3. Lore *
echo * 4. Quit *
echo * *
echo * *
echo *************************************
set /p input:
if %input% == 1 goto start
if %input% == 2 goto CO
if %input% == 3 goto Lore
if %input% == 4 goto quit
echo *************************************
echo * *
echo * Colour Options *
echo * *
echo * 1. Black and Red *
echo * 2. Black and Green *
echo * 3. Black and White *
echo * 4. Apply *
echo * *
echo *************************************
set /p input:
if %input% == 1 color 0c
if %input% == 2 color 0a
if %input% == 3 color 00
if %input% == 4 goto menu
if %input% == 1 co=1
if %input% == 2 co=2
if %input% == 3 co=3
echo A great evil has descended from the world, and you
echo are powerless to stop it. For now. Rise up and
echo and claim your rightful place as the rightful ruler of
echo the kingdom of your ancestors. Challenge yourself
echo through these trying times, and use your skills and
echo tactics to defeat the monstrous evil that threatens
echo to swallow the lands.
goto menu
echo Are you sure you want to quit? 1. Yes 2. No
set /p input:
if %input% == 1 exit
if %input% == 2 goto menu
set soldiers = 5
set archers = 3
set cavalry = 1
set veterans = 0
set taskforce = 0
set swordmasters = 0
set siege = 0
set gold = 20
set food = 100
set water = 100
set oil = 25
set oils=100
echo ===============================================================================
echo Footsoldiers:%Soldiers% Archers:%archers% Veterans:%veterans%
echo Cavalry:%cavalry% Siege Weapons:%siege% Gold:%gold% Task Force:%task force%
echo Food:%food%/100 Water:%water%/100 Oil:%oil% Sword Masters:%swordmasters%
echo ===============================================================================
echo 1. Fight!
echo 2. Hire!
echo 3. Build!
echo 4. Quit! :(
set /p input:
if %input% == 1 goto fight
if %input% == 2 goto hire
if %input% == 3 goto build
if %input% == 4 goto quit2
echo This is where you can hire troops to expand your army.
echo 1. Foot Soldiers 5 gold per troop
echo 2. Archers 10 gold per troop
echo 3. Veterans 20 gold per troop
echo 4. Task Forces 50 gold per troop
echo 5. Sword Masters 50 gold per troop
echo 6. Siege Weapons 200 gold per troop
echo 7. Done!
set /p input:
if %input% == 1 goto buys
if %input% == 2 goto buya
if %input% == 3 goto buyv
if %input% == 4 goto buyts
if %input% == 5 goto buysm
if %input% == 6 goto buysw
if %input% == 7 goto start
echo =======================================
echo How many troops would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set /p input:
set %money% - %input% * 5
goto hire
echo =======================================
echo How many troops would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set/p input:
set %money% - %input% * 10
goto hire
echo =======================================
echo How many troops would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set/p input:
set %money% - %input% * 20
goto hire
echo =======================================
echo How many troops would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set/p input:
set %money% - %input% * 50
goto hire
echo =======================================
echo How many troops would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set/p input:
set %money% - %input% * 50
goto hire
echo =======================================
echo How many troops would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set/p input:
set %money% - %input% * 200
goto hire
echo Here you can build resources that produce resources.
echo 1. Farm 25 gold per farm
echo 2. Well 25 gold per well
echo 3. Butcher's Shop 40 gold per shop
echo 4. Sweet Shop 50 gold per shop
echo 5. Farmer's Market 60 gold per shop
echo 6. Done!
set /p input:
if %input% == 1 goto buyf1
if %input% == 2 goto buyw1
if %input% == 3 goto buybs1
if %input% == 4 goto buyss1
if %input% == 5 goto buyfm1
if %input% == 6 goto start
echo =======================================
echo How many farms would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set /p input:
set %money% - %input% * 25
goto build
echo =======================================
echo How many Wells would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set /p input:
set %money% - %input% * 25
goto build
echo =======================================
echo How many shop would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set /p input:
set %money% - %input% * 40
goto build
echo =======================================
echo How many shops would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set /p input:
set %money% - %input% * 50
goto build
echo =======================================
echo How many shops would you like to buy?
echo =======================================
set /p input:
set %money% - %input% * 60
goto build
echo Are you sure you want to quit? 1. Yes 2. No
set /p input:
if %input% == 1 exit
if %input% == 2 goto start
if %health% GTR 100 set health=%health%
if %health% LSS 1 goto lose
echo FIGHT
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo You Hp:%health%/10,000
echo Archers:%archers% Soliders:%soldiers% Siege Weapons:%siegew%
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Enemy Army
echo Hp: %enehealth%/100
echo 1) Archers
echo 2) Soldiers
echo 3) Task Forces
echo 4) Siege Weapons
echo 5) Sword Masters
echo 6) Veterans
set /p input=Enter:
if %input% == 1 goto attack
if %input% == 2 goto potion
if %input% == 3 goto spell
if %input% == 4 goto flee
goto fight