I'm working in a program that output text many seconds and I send this output to a batch that read that text with set /p in a loop.
The problem is after the data is many bytes. Maybe some buffer. I not know. Set /P fails.
For reproduce this I produce a 145KB file called klog.txt :
that have the text word NONE + CRLF repeated.
Code: Select all
@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions
Call :Rebuild
If ErrorLevel 1 Echo Rebuild failed.
Goto :Eof
Rem Script made using BHX 5.6 { consolesoft.com/p/bhx }
SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "bin=KLOG.CAB"
Set /A "size=441"
For %%# In (
"!bin!" "!bin!.da" "!bin!.tmp"
) Do If Exist "%%#" (Del /A /F /Q "%%#" >Nul 2>&1
If ErrorLevel 1 Exit /B 1 )
Set "fsrc=%~f0"
Findstr /B /N ":+res:!bin!:" "!fsrc!" >"!bin!.tmp"
(Set /P "inioff="
Set /P "endoff=") <"!bin!.tmp"
For /F "delims=:" %%# In ("!inioff!") Do Set "inioff=%%#"
For /F "delims=:" %%# In ("!endoff!") Do Set "endoff=%%#"
Set ".=ado="adodb.stream""
Set ".=!.! :set a=createobject(ado) :a.type=1 :a.open"
Set ".=!.! :set u=createobject(ado) :u.type=2 :u.open"
Set ".=!.! :set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")"
Set ".=!.! :set s=fs.opentextfile("!fsrc!",1,0,0)"
Set ".=!.! :e="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEF"
Set ".=!.!GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.-:+=^^`/*?&<>()[]{}~,$#"
Set ".=!.!" :max=!size! :wri=0 :n=array(0,0,0,0,0)"
Set ".=!.! :for i=1 to !inioff! step 1 :s.readline :next"
Set ".=!.! :do while i<!endoff! :d=replace(s.readline," ","")"
Set ".=!.! :for j=1 to len(d) step 5 :num85=mid(d,j,5)"
Set ".=!.! :v=0 :for k=1 to len(num85) step 1"
Set ".=!.! :v=v*85+instr(1,e,mid(num85,k,1))-1 :next"
Set ".=!.! :n(1)=Fix(v/16777216) :v=v-n(1)*16777216"
Set ".=!.! :n(2)=Fix(v/65536) :v=v-n(2)*65536"
Set ".=!.! :n(3)=Fix(v/256) :n(4)=v-n(3)*256"
Set ".=!.! :for m=1 to 4 step 1 :if (wri < max) then"
Set ".=!.! :u.writetext chrb(n(m)) :wri=wri+1 :end if :next"
Set ".=!.! :next :i=i+1 :loop"
Set ".=!.! :u.position=2 :u.copyto a :u.close :set u=nothing"
Set ".=!.! :a.savetofile "!bin!",2 :a.close :set a=nothing"
Set ".=!.! :s.close :set s=nothing :set fs=nothing"
Echo !.!>"!bin!.da"
Set "ret=1"
Cscript.exe /B /E:vbs "!bin!.da" >Nul
For %%# In ("!bin!") Do If "%%~z#"=="!size!" Set "ret=0"
If "0"=="!ret!" Expand.exe -r "!bin!" -F:* . >Nul
If ErrorLevel 1 Set "ret=1"
Del /A /F "!bin!" "!bin!.da" "!bin!.tmp" >Nul
Exit /B !ret!
This is the cmd that read the commands an fail:
Code: Select all
Set "k=NONE"
Set /P "k="
If Not "NONE"=="%k%" Rem
Goto :loop
Then, after run this in the command line:
Code: Select all
type klog.txt | in.cmd
Set /p fails:
Code: Select all
C:\dev>If Not "NONE" == "NONE" Rem
C:\dev>Goto :loop
C:\dev>Set /P "k="
C:\dev>If Not "NONE" == "E" Rem
C:\dev>Goto :loop
C:\dev>Set /P "k="
C:\dev>If Not "NONE" == "NE" Rem
C:\dev>Goto :loop
C:\dev>Set /P "k="
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
C:\dev>If Not "NONE"=="
It not fails if klog.txt have few lines.
Please, some help for found a solution for this problem.