Hello everyone, I am attemping to send a Report from a POS system to a client, daily. The output is great (using AHK) but I need to send this file, every morning at 5am to the owner.
The issue is, the file, called Flash_Report_(yesterdays date) [Example: Flash_Report_8-23-2016.txt] wont attach to sendMail correctly because I need the 'code' to increment the date, on a daily basis. The web {google} is no help, I am always seeing powershell examples.
Here is the sendMail code in a Batch file:
sendEmail -o tls=yes -f someEmail@gmail.com -t chris@chris.com -s smtp.gmail.com:587 -xu someEmail@gmail.com -xp nunya -u "SitesName - Flash Report" -m "Flash Report is attached to this email" -a C:Flash Reports\Flash_Report.txt -vv
The issue is the \Flash_Report.txt part...it needs to say \Flash_Report_[yesterdays date].txt
I have tried everything I know.
Here is the code I use in AutoHotKey to set the date for the Report:
CurrentDate := A_Now
CurrentDate += -1, D
FormatTime, TimeString, %CurrentDate%, M/d/yyyy
Send, %TimeString%
Adding yesterdays date stamp to a file?
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Adding yesterdays date stamp to a file?
There is no date/time data type in batch. For that reason it's pure math
This code respects the leap year rules.
This code respects the leap year rules.
Code: Select all
@echo off &setlocal
for /f %%i in ('wmic os get LocalDateTime /value') do for /f "delims=." %%j in ("%%i") do set "%%j"
call :DaysAdd %LocalDateTime:~,4% %LocalDateTime:~4,2% %LocalDateTime:~6,2% -1 Y M D
echo Flash_Report_%M%-%D%-%Y%.txt
exit /b
:: function-like sub routine
:DaysAdd ByVal_YearIn ByVal_MonthIn ByVal_DayIn ByVal_DeltaIn ByRef_YearOut ByRef_MonthOut ByRef_DayOut
setlocal EnableExtensions
set /a "Year = %~1, Month = 100%~2 %% 100, Day = 100%~3 %% 100"
set /a "a = 14 - Month, a /= 12, b = Year + 4800 - a, c = Month + 12 * a - 3, d = 153 * c + 2"
set /a "d = d / 5 + Day + b * 365 + b / 4 - b / 100 + b / 400 - 1 + %~4"
set /a "e = 4 * d + 3, e /= 146097, f = -e * 146097, f /= 4, f += d"
set /a "g = 4 * f + 3, g /= 1461, h = -1461 * g, h /= 4, h += f, i = 5 * h + 2, i /= 153, Day = 153 * i + 2, Day /= 5"
set /a "Day = -Day + h + 1, Month = -i / 10, Month *= 12, Month += i + 3, Year = e * 100 + g - 4800 + i / 10"
endlocal &set "%~5=%Year%" &set "%~6=%Month%" &set "%~7=%Day%" &exit /b
Re: Adding yesterdays date stamp to a file?
chef423 wrote:The web {google} is no help, I am always seeing powershell examples.
You can use Powershell in a batch file to easily get the date and format you want.
Re: Adding yesterdays date stamp to a file?
chef423 wrote:The issue is the \Flash_Report.txt part...it needs to say \Flash_Report_[yesterdays date].txt
I have tried everything I know.
Here is the code I use in AutoHotKey to set the date for the Report:Code: Select all
CurrentDate := A_Now
CurrentDate += -1, D
FormatTime, TimeString, %CurrentDate%, M/d/yyyy
Send, %TimeString%
If autohotkey returns the right date format with that calculation then you just need to include it in the right place when launching the batch script.
When using this in autohotkey then open Notepad and press control-shift-t
Code: Select all
CurrentDate := A_Now
CurrentDate += -1, D
FormatTime, TimeString, %CurrentDate%, M/d/yyyy
Sendinput "%TimeString%"
It prints this here "8/24/2016" and today is the 25th August, so it works.
Using this code to launch your script should work with the only change needed in your code shown below in green.
Code: Select all
CurrentDate := A_Now
CurrentDate += -1, D
FormatTime, TimeString, %CurrentDate%, M/d/yyyy
run "c:\folder\yourbatchfile.bat", "%TimeString%"
sendEmail -o tls=yes -f someEmail@gmail.com -t chris@chris.com -s smtp.gmail.com:587 -xu someEmail@gmail.com -xp nunya -u "SitesName - Flash Report" -m "Flash Report is attached to this email" -a C:Flash Reports\Flash_Report_%~1.txt -vv
Re: Adding yesterdays date stamp to a file?
This gives yesterdays date, using VBS. It can be incorporated into your script easily too.
Code: Select all
@echo off
:: date yesterday (-1) or any number
set day=-1
echo s=DateAdd("d",%day%,now^) : d1=Cstr(weekday(s^)^) : d2=WeekdayName(d1,0^)
echo WScript.Echo Cstr(year(s^)^)+" "+Cstr(right(100+month(s^),2^)^)+" "+Cstr(right(100+day(s^),2^)^)+" "+d1+" "+d2
for /f "tokens=1-5" %%a in ('cscript /nologo "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"') do set "YYYY=%%a" & set "MM=%%b" & set "DD=%%c" & set "daynum=%%d" & set "weekday=%%e"
del "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"
set "newdate=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%"
echo Using the day offset of %day% it was "%newdate%" at that time,
echo and day number=%daynum% (%weekday%)