Code: Select all
@echo off
call :MakeDir "treintje"
exit /b
:MakeDir ( sDirName[in] ) {
if not exist "%~1\*" (
md "%~1" 2> nul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( :: will always expand to 0
exit /b
echo Hi there 1> "%~1\%~1.txt"
exit /b
Creates a directory and a text file: %cd%\treintje\treintje.txt
Containing the text: Hi there
I don't understand why the expansion of %errorlevel% works that way. In the following code str seems to be expanded after the subroutine getstr is called. From my limited understanding, this seems to contradict the way how %errorlevel% is expanded in the first code.
Code: Select all
@echo off
call :func
exit /b
call :getstr str
set "str=%str%, world"
echo %str%
exit /b
set /p %1=
exit /b
Hello, world
I know that I could solve the problem by using the || redirection operator to check the result of md or by using delayed expansion and use !errorlevel! instead. Or even adding an extra if exist check.
Code: Select all
:MakeDir ( sDirName[in] ) {
if not exist "%~1\*" (
md "%~1" 2> nul || exit /b
echo Hi there 1> "%~1\%~1.txt"
exit /b
Unfortunately, this does not help me to understand how exactly %errorlevel% is expanded from within a subroutine and why it always expands to 0. I'm curious to know if there is a neat way to check the result of md while using the original %errorlevel% checking method and not to result to alternative solutions mentioned previously.