After running Robocopy /MIR /np /tee, I ran WINDIFF to compare both directories.
On the top level destination there's a shortcut to an external drive, that is not on the source.
Why is this happening? I thought Robocopy does a complete replica of the source.
Is there a switch I need to include on the command line?
Thanks in advance.
Robocopy /MIR leaves shortcut in destination
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Robocopy /MIR leaves shortcut in destination
Your description of the issue is much too vague (at least in my eyes), or in other words it is as precise as:
findstr /r /s /i finds the line "abc def" (without doublequotes) it should not find.
My guess is:
Your source directory is the root level of a logical volume (example: Z:) on a subdirectory (ex: \a\b\) on a physical volume (E:) of an external drive (ex: USB-Stick xyz), possibly created using subst.exe:
subst Z: "E:\a\b".
If my guess is right, then "Z:\.." should be listable with dir (using: dir "Z:\").
Note that "Z:\.." is a symbolic link realised using a shortcut to the external root of "Z:" (== "E:\a\b") to avoid changing to "E:\a", if you use a command like "cd .." on "Z:\".
If i guessed wrong, then you should really provide a full working (anonymized) example, and describe all possibly needed additional information in detail.
For example at minimum something like that:
WinDiff results:
If your example does not work on a single harddisk in your own local system, then you should also give additional information, for example:
"Z:" is created with subst.exe (subst z: "D:\á\b\c\d"),
"D" is a network drive located on a linux xyz machine, located in logical partition on SATAII hard disk drive accessed.
... .
findstr /r /s /i finds the line "abc def" (without doublequotes) it should not find.
My guess is:
Your source directory is the root level of a logical volume (example: Z:) on a subdirectory (ex: \a\b\) on a physical volume (E:) of an external drive (ex: USB-Stick xyz), possibly created using subst.exe:
subst Z: "E:\a\b".
If my guess is right, then "Z:\.." should be listable with dir (using: dir "Z:\").
Note that "Z:\.." is a symbolic link realised using a shortcut to the external root of "Z:" (== "E:\a\b") to avoid changing to "E:\a", if you use a command like "cd .." on "Z:\".
If i guessed wrong, then you should really provide a full working (anonymized) example, and describe all possibly needed additional information in detail.
For example at minimum something like that:
Code: Select all
@echo off
:: my system: Windows 10, 32 bit, german, all patches installed with no problems
set "actual=<actual path>"
set "source=<source path>"
set "target=<target path>"
:: creating source example
pushd "%source%"
md "a1"
md "a2"
md "a2\b1"
md "a2\b2"
md "a2\b3"
:: ...
>"a2\f2.txt" echo("a2\f2"
>"a3\b2\f32.txt" echo("a3\b2\f32.txt"
>"a3\b2\f32.txt" echo("a3\b2\f32.txt"
:: ...
:: complete robocopy command
WinDiff results:
Code: Select all
If your example does not work on a single harddisk in your own local system, then you should also give additional information, for example:
"Z:" is created with subst.exe (subst z: "D:\á\b\c\d"),
"D" is a network drive located on a linux xyz machine, located in logical partition on SATAII hard disk drive accessed.
... .