Here is an attempt at an interactive task monitor. Keys while running are (also available from help while running by pressing F1 or '?'):
Code: Select all
Up/Down/Left/Right/Home/End/PageUp/PageDown: navigate
Alt-key: jump to next item starting with key
u: refresh list/screen
s: specify sorting order
+: extended process info on/off
q: quit
x: kill process
X: force kill process
a: kill all processes with this name
A: force kill all processes with this name
p: launch command prompt
m: show used modules for all processes
l: show used services for all processes
Space/^Space: select item / deselect all items
^X: Force kill all selected items
Mouse click: navigate to item
Mouse wheel: switch page
Mouse right double click: force kill process
So, essentially, navigate with cursor keys or mouse, update process list with 'u', and kill the current process with 'x'. Navigation is horizontal, so use cursor left/right to go between pages.
Code: Select all
Arguments: taskmon [width] [height] [+|-] [[-]sort column 0-9]
+ or - means use extended info or not (tasklist -v switch)
For sorting, 0 means unsorted, and 1 is name, 2 is PID etc. I don't know if tasklist uses the same format in different Windows versions/languages, so the only sort options "guaranteed" to work are 0 and 1.
!!!! New, much faster version 1.2 is here: ... (not attached due to being >100k). Non-extended process info is now default when running to speed things up. Press '+' while running to get extended process info. (Or, to turn it on by default, edit tm.bat to say "set T_X=+").