So, I was wondering if it was possible to use the for /f command to insert commands written in a text file into a batch script, for example:
This is saved as hello.txt:
echo hello
This is saved as hello.bat
@echo off
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (hello.txt) do (
This works, but if i modify it like this:
This is saved as hello.txt
%NAME%, do you want to say hello? (Y=Yes)
set /p ANSWER=
if %ANSWER%==Y goto hello
echo You didn't say hello.
goto loop
echo hello
goto loop
This is saved as hello.bat:
@echo off
set NAME=Tom
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (hello.txt) do (
It doesn't work. It says
"%NAME%, do you want to say hello? (Y=Yes)
If you type anything:
The command "if" is either mispelled or could not be found.
You didn't say hello.
Press any key to continue...
It also says that "loop" has not been found. I was just trying things while learning how to use for commands. Does anyone know if you could make that work?
Using the for /f command
Moderator: DosItHelp
Re: Using the for /f command
You can't define "extern" labels (from "hello.txt") within a for loop of (another) batch file ("hello.bat"), because the "loop body" (== "(\n%%a\n)" in C-style) is computetd in RAM only, while the "goto" command searches the active batch file ("hello.bat") for that label.
The IF/REM/FOR-commands should not work, because they are computed within another parser phase; see: ... ts/4095133.
I also son't see the need for executing a whole text file that way:
I think it is much simpler, if you copy the text file into a batch file, and then execute it using call.
Something like this "hello.bat" that wamts the "hello.txt" to be executed:
The IF/REM/FOR-commands should not work, because they are computed within another parser phase; see: ... ts/4095133.
I also son't see the need for executing a whole text file that way:
I think it is much simpler, if you copy the text file into a batch file, and then execute it using call.
Something like this "hello.bat" that wamts the "hello.txt" to be executed:
Code: Select all
@echo off
copy "hello.txt" "hello.txt.bat"
call "hello.txt.bat"
del "hello.txt.bat"
goto :eof