Shapes and rotation

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Shapes and rotation

#1 Post by IcarusLives » 01 Apr 2018 22:59

Hello all ^-^

Image Image

I would mostly like to share (what you all probably already know) but I'm quite proud of it because I took the time to experiment, and learn all of this on my own. I soon come to find out that I've simulated the "mid-point circle" algorithm, but I've applied the math to create shapes of all sides (except circles, being the absolute most trivial).

A circle would be simple.

Code: Select all

x=20 * !cos(x):x=angle! + 50"
y=20 * !sin(x):x=angle! + 50"
Expanding my knowledge of this fundamental for circles, I considered dividing up the degrees of a circle, and plotting them evening.

Code: Select all

But the experimenting didn't stop there. I wanted to not only get different shapes, but I wanted to expand or shrink their size, and I wanted to rotate them, and I wanted them colorful.

I was using Bresenham's Line algorithm as a function before, but found it's performance to be so slow it made me cringe, so I implemented as a macro. This macro has usage commented in the script.

So this is the script I've come up with! CHECK THE "CHANGE ME!!!!" on line 69

I really hope you enjoy!

Code: Select all

@echo off & setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
mode 100,100

set ^"LF=^

^" Above empty line is required - do not remove
set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"

rem capture ESC for VT100 %plot% macro. %line% ultilizes %plot%
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E^| cmd') do set "ESC=%%a"

    set "_SIN=a-a*a/1920*a/312500+a*a/1920*a/15625*a/15625*a/2560000-a*a/1875*a/15360*a/15625*a/15625*a/16000*a/44800000"
    set "SIN(x)=(a=(x * 31416 / 180)%%62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a, a-=(((c-47125)>>31)+1)*((a>>31|1)*62832)  +  (-((c-47125)>>31))*( (((c-15709)>>31)+1)*(-(a>>31|1)*31416+2*a)  ), %_SIN%) / 10000"
    set "COS(x)=(a=(15708 - x * 31416 / 180)%%62832, c=(a>>31|1)*a, a-=(((c-47125)>>31)+1)*((a>>31|1)*62832)  +  (-((c-47125)>>31))*( (((c-15709)>>31)+1)*(-(a>>31|1)*31416+2*a)  ), %_SIN%) / 10000"
    set "_SIN="

rem %plot% x y COLOR(0-255) COLOR(0-255) CHAR
set plot=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-5" %%1 in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
  set "screen=^!screen^!!esc![%%2;%%1H!esc![38;5;%%3m!esc![48;5;%%4m%%~5!esc![0m"%\n%
)) else set args=

rem %line% Bresenham Line Algorithm for all slopes
rem I will comment this later.. Sorry

rem USAGE:
rem %line% x1 y1 x2 y2 CHAR COLOR(0-255)
set line=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-6" %%1 in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
	if "%%~6" equ "" ( set "hue=30" ) else ( set "hue=%%~6")%\n%
	set /a "xa=%%~1", "ya=%%~2", "xb=%%~3", "yb=%%~4", "dx=%%~3 - %%~1", "dy=%%~4 - %%~2"%\n%
	for /f "tokens=1-2" %%6 in ("^!dx^! ^!dy^!") do (%\n%
		if %%~7 lss 0 ( set /a "dy=-%%~7", "stepy=-1" ) else ( set "stepy=1" )%\n%
		if %%~6 lss 0 ( set /a "dx=-%%~6", "stepx=-1" ) else ( set "stepx=1" )%\n%
		set /a "dx<<=1", "dy<<=1"%\n%
	for /f "tokens=1-9" %%a in ("^!dx^! ^!dy^! ^!xa^! ^!xb^! ^!ya^! ^!yb^! ^!stepx^! ^!stepy^! ^!hue^!") do (%\n%
		if %%~a gtr %%~b (%\n%
			set /a "fraction=%%~b - (%%~a >> 1)"%\n%
			for /l %%x in (%%~c,%%~g,%%~d) do (%\n%
				for /f "tokens=1" %%6 in ("^!fraction^!") do if %%~6 geq 0 set /a "ya+=%%~h", "fraction-=%%~a"%\n%
				set /a "fraction+=%%~b"%\n%
				for /f "tokens=1" %%6 in ("^!ya^!") do (%\n%
					if 0 leq %%x if %%x lss 199 if 0 leq %%~6 if %%~6 lss 199 ^!plot^! %%x %%~6 %%i 0 %%~5%\n%
		) else (%\n%
			set /a "fraction=%%~a - (%%~b >> 1)"%\n%
			for /l %%y in (%%~e,%%~h,%%~f) do (%\n%
				for /f "tokens=1" %%6 in ("^!fraction^!") do if %%~6 geq 0 set /a "xa+=%%~g", "fraction-=%%~b"%\n%
				set /a "fraction+=%%~a"%\n%
				for /f "tokens=1" %%6 in ("^!xa^!") do (%\n%
					if 0 leq %%~6 if %%~6 lss 199 if 0 leq %%y if %%y lss 199 ^!plot^! %%~6 %%y %%i 0 %%~5%\n%
)) else set args=

:: Hide the cursor
<nul set /p "=!esc![?25l"

REM CHANGE ME --------
	set /a "sides=5"
REM ------------------

set /a "x=50", "y=50", "s=-3"
set /a "angle=360 / sides"

for /l %%a in (0,1,16) do (

	set /a "a0+=%%a", "s+=3", "hue=%%a %% 255"
	for /l %%c in (1,1,%sides%) do (
		set /a "b=%%c - 1"
		for /f "tokens=1" %%b in ("!b!") do set /a "a%%c=!a%%b! + angle"
		set /a "x%%c=s * !cos(x):x=a%%c! + x", "y%%c=s * !sin(x):x=a%%c! + y"
	set /a "c=sides + 1" & set /a "x!c!=x1", "y!c!=y1"
	for /l %%c in (1,1,%sides%) do (
		set /a "d=%%c + 1"
		for /f "tokens=1" %%b in ("!d!") do %line% !x%%c! !y%%c! !x%%b! !y%%b! Û !hue!
	<nul set /p "=!screen!" & set "screen="
pause >nul & exit
For a beautiful phyllotaxis, you can change the SIDES to 20, and change LINE 91 to

Code: Select all

for /f "tokens=1" %%b in ("!d!") do %plot% !x%%c! !y%%c! !hue! 0 Û
instead of

Code: Select all

for /f "tokens=1" %%b in ("!d!") do %line% !x%%c! !y%%c! !x%%b! !y%%b! Û !hue!

Posts: 253
Joined: 06 May 2020 10:14

Re: Shapes and rotation

#2 Post by T3RRY » 10 Jan 2023 21:16

Found this gem while doing some research on Bresenham's Line algorithm for a Batch tower defense game I'm working on.

Love your work with the Line and Plot macro's, but the game I'm making demanded a bit more in the way of efficiency, So I needed to refactor the macro.
There was a number of superfluous for loops in the nest I was able to do away with, and I built the plotting into the macro to avoid the extra loops that captured arguments we already have. In it's current form, this version of the macro is ~ 38% faster than your original in the same usage conditions [ 79/100th of a second vs 128/100ths ].

Here's what I came up with. A couple of extra features have been added in as well.
- A New mandatory argument added - Cell Spacing Interval. define every n characters to the line. 1 = Solid line
- Dumping of the screen variable after it's length exceeds 1023 characters
- Support for the provision of multiple line arguments in a macro 'call'

Argument Order: x1 y1 x2 y2 ForegroundCol CellSpacing Character [/C /O /R /N /P /A /D:Integer]]
- /C toggles cursor off /on before and after output
- The Line can be output immediately after definition by providing /O
- The screen variable can be reset on expansion of the macro by providing /R
- /N Disables automated dump of Screen variable after line exceeds 1023 characters
- /P Preserves the Screen variable after automatic dump
- The line can be animated [output each cell with a minor delay] by providing /A
- The delay timing can be modified by providing an integer for the number of For /l rem loops, IE: /D:5000
- /D must be the last Switch used. Use of /D makes Animation Implicit. IE, /D implies /A state without having to use /A

Code: Select all

@Echo off

CHCP 65001 > nul

Rem requires Windows 10

(Set \n=^^^

%= \n linefeed for macro definition. Do not modify =%)

	for /F %%a in ('Echo(prompt $E^| cmd')Do Set \E=%%a

	REM Bresenham's line algorithm implementation
	REM refactored from Line and Plot macro's by IcarusLives As seen at
	REM this version is not escaped for definition with Delayed expansion enabled.
	If "!!" == "" (
		Echo(DelayedExpansion not permitted at this time
		Pause > nul
		Exit /B 1

	Set ^"DQ=""
	Set CompArg=^!Argset:~0,1^!^!Argset:~-1^!

	Set BuildLine=For %%n in (1 2)Do if %%n==2 (%\n%
		If "!ArgSet:~0,1!"==" " Set "ArgSet=!ArgSet:~1!"%\n%
		Set ^"ArgSet=!ArgSet:"={DQ}!"%\n%
		If not "!ArgSet:~0,4!!ArgSet:~-4!"=="{DQ}{DQ}" Set "ArgSet={DQ}!ArgSet!{DQ}"%\n%
		Set ^"ArgSet=!ArgSet:{DQ}="!"%\n%
		For %%A in (!ArgSet!) Do (%\n%
			Set "BuildLineArgs=%%~A"%\n%
		2^> nul (%\n: Optional Args "/O"; Outputs the line after build. "/R"; Resets the Screen variable Prior to Build; /A Animate the drawing of the line during Build. =%
				For /F "tokens=1-7 Delims= " %%G in ("!BuildLineArgs!")Do (%\n:Args - x1 y1 x2 y2 ForegroundCol CellSpacing Character [/C /O /R /P /A /N /D:Integer] =%
					set /a "stepY=1","stepX=1","xa=%%G", "ya=%%H", "xb=%%I", "yb=%%J", "dx=xb - xa","dy=yb - ya","FGc=%%K","interval=0","iMOD=%%L","Cout=0","Anim=0","aDelay=2500"%\n%
					Set "Screen=!Screen!!\E![38;5;!FGc!m"%\n%
					Set Char=^^%%M%\n%
				If not "!BuildlineArgs:/O=!"=="!BuildLineArgs!" Set "Cout=1"%\n%
				If not "!BuildlineArgs:/D:=!"=="!BuildLineArgs!" (%\n%
					Set /A "aDelay=!BuildlineArgs:*/D:=!"%\n%
					Set "Anim=1"%\n%
				If not "!BuildlineArgs:/A=!"=="!BuildLineArgs!" Set "Anim=1"%\n%
				If not "!BuildlineArgs:/R=!"=="!BuildLineArgs!" Set "Screen=!\E![38;5;!FGc!m"%\n%
				If not "!BuildlineArgs:/C=!"=="!BuildLineArgs!" (%\n%
					Set "Cursor=1"%\n%
					Set "Screen=%\E%[?25l!Screen!"%\n%
				if !dy! lss 0 set /a "dy=-dy", "stepy=-1"%\n%
				if !dx! lss 0 set /a "dx=-dx", "stepx=-1"%\n%
				set /a "dx<<=1", "dy<<=1"%\n%
				if !dx! gtr !dy! (%\n%
					set /a "fraction=dy - (dx >> 1)"%\n%
					for /l %%x in (!xa!,!stepx!,!xb!) do (%\n%
						If !Fraction! geq 0 set /a "ya+=stepy", "fraction-=dx"%\n%
						Set /A "Interval=Interval %% !iMOD! + 1","fraction+=dy"%\n%
						If !Interval!==!iMOD! if 0 leq %%x if %%x lss 199 if 0 leq !ya! if !ya! lss 199 If !Interval!==!iMod! (%\n%
							set "Screen=!Screen!!\E![!ya!;%%xH!Char!"%\n%
							If !Anim!==1 (%\n%
								^<nul Set /P "=!\E![!ya!;%%xH!\E![38;5;!FGc!m!Char!!\E![0m"%\n%
								For /L %%i in (1 1 !aDelay!)Do REM Delay%\n%
					)	)	)%\n%
				) else (%\n%
					set /a "fraction=dx - (dy >> 1)"%\n%
					for /l %%y in (!ya!,!stepy!,!yb!) do (%\n%
						If !Fraction! geq 0 set /a "xa+=stepx", "fraction-=dy"%\n%
							Set /A "Interval=Interval %% !iMOD! + 1","fraction+=dx"%\n%
							If !Interval!==!iMOD! If 0 leq !xa! if !xa! lss 199 if 0 leq %%y if %%y lss 199 if 0 leq !xa! if !xy! lss 199 if 0 leq %%y if %%y lss 199 (%\n%
							set "Screen=!Screen!!\E![%%y;!xa!H!Char!"%\n%
							If !Anim!==1 (%\n%
								^<nul Set /P "=!\E![%%y;!xa!H!\E![38;5;!FGc!m!Char!!\E![0m"%\n%
								For /L %%i in (1 1 !aDelay!)Do REM Delay%\n%
					)	)	)%\n%
				If !Cursor!==1 Set "Screen=!Screen!%\E%[?25h"%\n%
				If !Cout!==1 ^<nul Set /P "=!Screen!!\E![0m"%\n%
				If "!BuildLineArgs:/N=!"=="!BuildLineArgs!" If not "!Screen:~1023,1!"=="" (%\n: Dump the screen buffer if StrLen GEQ 1024 ~ optimal buffer size =%
					^<nul Set /P "=!Screen!%\E%[0m"%\n%
					If "!BuildLineArgs:/P=!"=="!BuildLineArgs!" Set "Screen="%\n: If not /P used to Preserve Screen 'buffer'. =%
	)Else Set Argset=

    Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    <nul Set /P "=%\E%[?25l"
    %BuildLine% 1 2 79 10 35 1 ^>
    %BuildLine% 1 6 79 6 31 2 .
    %BuildLine% 1 10 79 2 40 3 - /O
    %BuildLine% "1  1  80 1  235 2 ▓ /R","1  1  1  11 235 2 ▓","1  11 80 11 235 2 ▓","80 2  80 11 235 2 ▓ /O"

    %BuildLine% 1 12 80 12 1 1 _ /R /A 
    %BuildLine% 80 15 1 15 1 1 _ /A /P
    <nul Set /P "=!Screen:1m=10m!%\E%[?25h%\E%[14;1H!\E![0m"

    <nul Set /P "=!\E![2E"
Endlocal & Exit /b 0

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