*This is basically a chat interface where you discuss with somebody and you have to make choices in the discussion)
Code: Select all
echo -----------------
echo ------------------Answers choice----------------------------------
echo "[1] Hello Roger, I am the employee responsible for your file" ---------------------------
echo "[2] I will not go there four ways, you will die if you do not convince me otherwise!"
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set /p var=Me:
if %var%==1 goto Answer1.1
if %var%==2 goto Answer1.2
echo Roger: I don't understand what are you saying?
timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul
goto Tchat1
echo Roger: Hello sir, where should I start?
echo Roger: I am really stressed... I
Me: Hello Roger, I am the employee responsible for your file
Roger: I don't understand, What are you saying ?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for trying to solve my problem !