Thanks both bakemonogatari and aGerman!!
The issue was about the mapping for the path, usually there is a root folder which will be mapped in Y: (that is Y:=\\casnprfil1\rootfolder).
After corrected this issue, both working fine.
However, there is another issue came out on the surface luckily caught...
by many experimental running these two paths (one is mapped the other is using server name)
Using mapped path is more safer than this server name one, that is
Code: Select all
set source=Y:\QADATA\QA_RELEASE\T500B09046-0200_Lane7000_TWM_MOCKUP_00000
::set source=\\casnprfil1\Secondary\QADATA\QA_RELEASE\T500B09046-0200_Lane7000_TWM_MOCKUP_00000
set destination=D:\CA_CONVERT\New_pkg
set opkg=T500B09046-0200_Lane7000_TWM_MOCKUP_00000
xcopy "%source%\*" "%destination%\%opkg%" /s /i
if set source=Y:\QADATA\QA_RELEASE\T500B09046-0200_Lane7000_TWM_MOCKUP_00000
run the above script it copy all the files
if set source=\\casnprfil1\Secondary\QADATA\QA_RELEASE\T500B09046-0200_Lane7000_TWM_MOCKUP_00000
run the above script it might lack of some files not copied...
really not know why had such difference and just observed the difference..