Batch script that runs batchscripts
Posted: 26 Mar 2021 14:05
Hello fellows,
Ive got the following problem:
For my masters thesis in structural engineering Im doing FE-analyses. The Programm Im supposed to work with isnt that well programmed and i cannot make a qeue of several calculations - like over night calculation to safe time.
The calculations can be run as a batch file in console and in every subfolder of the different models there is a file called run_inp_in_AtenaConsole.bat. So I decided to write a batch skript that runs the different calculation.bat files in a row.
The skript currently looks like that and it works:
I want to do this a bit more elegant for further users of this programm. to erase the input of the directories
I wrote a script that puts out the pathes of all run_inp_in_AtenaConsole.bat files. since they have all the same name it was easy using this:
Now i want to combine both scripts to make sure that the batch runs all "run_inp_in_AtenaConsole.bat" files in every subfoler in a row.
Since Im a civil engineer im not the best programmer and i would be very happy if u guys could help me.
Thank u so much in advance.
Ive got the following problem:
For my masters thesis in structural engineering Im doing FE-analyses. The Programm Im supposed to work with isnt that well programmed and i cannot make a qeue of several calculations - like over night calculation to safe time.
The calculations can be run as a batch file in console and in every subfolder of the different models there is a file called run_inp_in_AtenaConsole.bat. So I decided to write a batch skript that runs the different calculation.bat files in a row.
The skript currently looks like that and it works:
Code: Select all
@echo off
:: EF is the first subfolder
cd EF1
echo %cd%
:: the second subfoler with the batch included
cd DF26_test.gid
echo %cd%
:: the file to run
start run_inp_in_AtenaConsole.bat
:: the loop it to check the n calculation is running else ( start calculation n+1); timeout 5 is to make sure the data is running; timeloop checks every timespan if the n´th calculation is running.
timeout 5
timeout 30
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq AtenaConsole64.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "AtenaConsole64.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto :timeloop
:: next calculation
cd ../
cd DF26_test2.gid
echo %cd%
start run_inp_in_AtenaConsole.bat
::loop this till all calculations are done
I wrote a script that puts out the pathes of all run_inp_in_AtenaConsole.bat files. since they have all the same name it was easy using this:
Code: Select all
@echo off
::this is the folder every calulation is into
cd E:\Atena\ATENA\GiD
echo Files Paths :
dir /b run_inp_in_AtenaConsole.bat /s> listing.txt
Since Im a civil engineer im not the best programmer and i would be very happy if u guys could help me.
Thank u so much in advance.