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count characters of a input string in batch file

Posted: 08 Jun 2023 10:10
by kid
Hi, I want to write a batch script that can count uppercase and lowercase characaters and digits and special characaters of input string for example if I enter this:
it will show me this:

upper : 34
lower : 24
digit : 13
special_chars : 29

how should i write that?
please help me

Re: count characters of a input string in batch file

Posted: 15 Jun 2023 21:01
by T3RRY
kid wrote:
08 Jun 2023 10:10
Hi, I want to write a batch script that can count uppercase and lowercase characaters and digits and special characaters of input string for example if I enter this:
it will show me this:

upper : 34
lower : 24
digit : 13
special_chars : 29

how should i write that?
please help me
First, you would start with determining the length of the string, then by assessing each character along the length of the string to determine type.

Code: Select all

@Echo off
(Set \n=^^^

%= \n macro newline variable - Do not Modify =%)

 Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem StrLen Macro source:
rem Environment independent macro definition source:

For /f %%! in ("! ! ^^^!") Do ^
%= FIRST CHARACTER FOLLOWING THIS REMARK MUST NOT BE EMPTY =%Set ^"@StrLen=for %%n in (1 2) do if "%%n"=="2" (%\n%
		For /F "tokens=1 delims=, " %%G in ("%%!argv%%!")Do (%\n%
			Set "[StrLen]tmpStr=%%!%%~G%%!"%\n%
			Set "[StrLen]Len=0"%\n%
			Set "[StrLen]RV=%%G.Len"%\n%
			If not "%%![StrLen]tmpStr%%!" == "" For %%N IN (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1)Do (%\n%
				If not "%%![StrLen]tmpStr:~%%N,1%%!" == "" (%\n%
					Set /A "[StrLen]Len += %%N"%\n%
					Set "[StrLen]tmpStr=%%![StrLen]tmpStr:~%%N%%!"%\n%
		)	)	)%\n%
  		If not "%%![StrLen]tmpStr%%!" == "" (%\n%
			For %%v in ("%%![StrLen]RV%%!")Do For %%u in ("%%![StrLen]Len%%!")Do Endlocal ^& (%\n%
				Set /A "%%~v=%%~u + 1,%%~v[0i]= %%~u"%\n%
		)Else (%\n%
			For %%v in ("%%![StrLen]RV%%!")Do Endlocal ^& (%\n%
				Set /A "%%~v=0,%%~v[0i]=0"%\n%
		)	)%\n%
 	)Else Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ^& set argv=,"%= Escape the following LF to define another Macro within this loop =%

Set "testString=7f(92_/%%67G46sMg_<2kkDgit4_+^^H^!aYCe=_-wQW4S=taMnGBDQLGx(F>^^>(SFob@eUxFH0-2#yAJK/i^!Q=BiWJ@z/4KKwNF#T="

Call:GetStringData testString
Set testStr

Endlocal & Goto:Eof

	%@StrLen% %~1
	Set /a "%~1.type.Upper=0,%~1.type.Lower=0,%~1.type.Num=0,%~1.type.Non_AlphaNum=0"
	>Nul (
		For /l %%i in (0 1 !%~1.Len[0i]!)Do (
			Set "typeAssigned="
			Set "char=!%~1:~%%i,1!"
			If "!Char!" == "^!" Set /A "%~1.type.NON_AlphaNum+=1","typeAssigned=1"
			If not defined typeAssigned For /f "delims=0123456789" %%c in ("!Char!.")Do if "%%c"=="." (
				Set /A "%~1.type.Num+=1","typeAssigned=1"
			If not defined typeAssigned For /f "delims=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" %%c in ("!Char!.")Do (
				if "%%c"=="." (
					Echo(!char!|Findstr /R "[ABCDEFGGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]" && Set /A "%~1.type.Upper+=1","typeAssigned=1" || Set /A "%~1.type.Lower+=1","typeAssigned=1"
				)Else Set /A "%~1.type.NON_AlphaNum+=1"
	)	)	)
Exit /b 0

Re: count characters of a input string in batch file

Posted: 16 Jun 2023 00:04
by Aacini
There are a lot of different ways to solve this problem. This is another (simpler, I think) method:

Code: Select all

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Input the string
set /P "string=" < test.txt
echo The string:
echo !string!

set "digits=0123456789"

rem Separate string in chars
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('cmd /Q /U /C set /P "=!string!" ^< NUL ^| find /V ""') do (

   rem Two special cases first: exclamation mark and equal-sign
   if "%%a" equ "" (
      set /A special+=1
   ) else if "%%a" equ "=" (
      set /A special+=1

   ) else if "!letters:%%a=!" equ "%letters%" (
      if "!digits:%%a=!" equ "%digits%" (
         set /A "special+=1"
      ) else (
         set /A "digit+=1"
   ) else (
      if "!letters:%%a=%%a!" equ "%letters%" (
         set /A "upper+=1"
      ) else (
         set /A "lower+=1"


echo upper:   %upper%
echo lower:   %lower%
echo digit:   %digit%
echo special: %special%

Code: Select all

The string:

upper:   34
lower:   24
digit:   13
special: 29

Re: count characters of a input string in batch file

Posted: 16 Jun 2023 01:57
by T3RRY
Aacini wrote:
16 Jun 2023 00:04
There are a lot of different ways to solve this problem. This is another (simpler, I think) method:

Provided of course that the input string doesn't start with leading `=` or whitespace.

Re: count characters of a input string in batch file

Posted: 18 Jun 2023 18:32
by Jer
Are there not 3 special cases? Adding an asterisk increases the lower count.
Adding a special case for asterisk counts it as a special character.

Code: Select all

   ) else if "%%a" equ "*" (
      set /A special+=1